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From: Catherine (Cat) W.
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 1:43 PM
Subject: new place to live; mini-storage; cell phones
ID: 262910

I need to find a room or studio to move in by August 14. (before I go to the Permaculture design training at Quail Springs) I am hoping to find something for around $1200 per month including utilities, that is quiet with a nice yard with trees and nature setting. I need a good sized room with good closet space and/or storage space in the garage. I am particularly drawn to the foothills area (esp. near Skofield Park or Parma Park). I prefer not to be in the downtown area or a place with a busy street and noise. The trees and yard is very important. Please let me know if you hear of anything.

Also, can anyone recommend a good mini-storage place in case I need it?

I may need to get a cell phone so would also like to know what type that is less expensive that you can recommend. (I have never had one, except for when I was on-call for work, and find they are very hard to hear out of.)

I am also open to an interim house-sitting arrangement if anyone knows of one of these. Thanks.

Blessings, Cat


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