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From: Coral C.
Date: Friday, August 1, 2008, 11:13 PM
Subject: Amazing Goddess Crop Circle, Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo
ID: 263177 Dear ones, Please visit the above link and share in the beauty that this lovely heaven and earthwork represents. This amazing Goddess crop circle just appeared and was reported and photographed on July 27, 2008 in England. As the New Moon Solar Eclipse took place today at almost 10 degrees of the constellation Leo, (at 3:13 am PDT, 4:13am MDT, 5:13am CDT, 6:13am EDT) on August 1st, the eclipse was only observable in the far northern latitudes of the Arctic Circle, northern Canada, Greenland, Siberia, Mongolia & China, but it is being felt all over the world. It is astrologically important as all eclipses are, but especially auspicious as it appears to us within days of one the ancient cross-quarter holy-days of the Goddess Calendar, known as Lammas or August Eve, and traditionally as the "festival of the first fruits". The ancients held that eclipses amplify for better or for worse whatever we're identified with being, doing, thinking or feeling, so we can make "good karma" now and especially try not to be harmful in any way. When we meditate and/or say our prayers, when we make loving wishes, do mantras, integrate our shadows and dance through our lives from a childlike (Leo) standpoint with good intentions, our conscious thoughts and awareness will bring intimations of grounded, ripe "fruits" as the cycle unfolds. Astrologers observe that eclipses always affect world events, which bring results over the 6 months following the eclipse itself. If you have access to your natal horoscope, take a look at it and find the 10th degree of Leo, and that will give you some insight into the arena of your life that will be personally highlighted. Plant your "seeds" for the coming months with heartfelt intentions, accordingly. May this sacred time be a blessing for each of you and all of our beloveds. May the world be illuminated by our sincere desire to co-create peace and live in harmonious ways. May all our skillful means be put to positive use. Peace be with all of us in these challenging times! All my relations, Coral phone: 707-237-6714

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