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From: Bruce S.
Date: Friday, August 8, 2008, 8:36 AM
Subject: Where does the energy come from?
Reply to: 263310
ID: 263311

I thought Constance asked an interesting question....

Where does the energy come from....?

What I am personally feeling and experiencing at the moment -- these days, lately -- is a kind of high-pressure (very high-pressure) transformative effect, operating on my body and spirit, calling non- stop for a sort of transcendental perfectly-aligned response, that demands perfection of my attunement and alignment, and smacks me around very hard at the slightest flaw.

It's kind of like a high-power energy pipeline -- that has to be perfectly straight, or it might explode -- at some considerable karmic cost. I have to walk into this whirl-wind and just be totally stable and get the day's work done -- spiritually and in every other way -- in the most balanced and cool and correct way possible.

Part of what I am doing -- is personal self-transformation, having to do with so-called "fasting and prayer", largely influenced by Hillary's teachings on fasting, as slightly (and stubbornly??) amended by what seems to be my own personal inner guidance. So, I have not been eating much, and I've been out there exercising as hard as I can just about every day -- either hiking steep mountain trails, or riding the bike. This process is leaning me out, burning out any junk (plenty of it there), and forcing me, under this load, to a straighter path....

It's like -- this energy at the center -- is like the power of the USA "space shuttle" -- those incredible rockets that exert enough power to get those machines moving at over 18,000 miles per hour. One thing we know about that kind of power is -- better get it right, or it will explode.

Just the other night, I was asking this same question -- where does the energy come from? I was feeling kind of dead, out of attunement, no energy around, can't feel it. My body feels like a blob of messed up junk, what is this about. So, what next. I went out into the kitchen, and got into the spirit of "fasting on water" -- just drinking a big glass of water, and praying just a bit -- and suddenly, in that instant, my attunement was refreshed. In no time, I could feel "where the energy comes from".

But it's mysterious, and somehow entirely hidden from anything less than total and absolutely devotional concentration and surrender. This feels to me like one of these "principles of the spiritual path" that guards and protects the sacred mysteries from anything that is not totally sincere. There is no way to cheat, no way to falsify the process. You are either totally real, or you don't get there....

So, for me -- let reality come. I might get kicked around some along the way -- but I will do my best to recover, and will hang in there. Right now, though it's been bumpy -- it does feel like it is working.

Got to hang tough and stay straight. Just be nice, and keep the kitchen clean. Thanks to everybody.

--- On Fri, Aug 8, 2008, in msg263310, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

8 8 8

i'm glad the big bad wolf hasn't blown the house down ;-) big bad wolf ... like it thinks its got the power!

it goes both ways ... the light, the dark ... each has energy and is using it, and here we are trying to remain calm, balanced ... in the middle of the battle. who said, "duck!"

one thing we have done ... is we created a global family, and if you are feeling it ... you know what that means, and you feel the power in it.

so here maybe we have a lesson ... as it seems the lessons keep coming, maybe sometimes too fast, and you find your Self ... saying, i didn't realize this was going to be so hard ... and the weakness kicks in ... and this is where you ramp it up ... and where does the energy come from?

the light ... stand in it! the light ... walk in it! the light ... share it!

and if they are blinded by the light ... don't worry ... don't be sad they'll have nothing to do with it. what can you do but love ... so we love, and love some more, and we keep on loving.

and we remember ... we have a soul family ... a global human family spreading.

sql attacks or not ...

we have done something that no other human generation has been able to do thus far;

the fifth kingdom is revealing itself and this gives rise to the soul to walk the earth, bringing balance and health.

thank you soul family ...

keeping it global!



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