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"Full of Zeus are all streets and all gathering places, and full are the sea and harbors. Everywhere we all have need of Zeus. For we are also his offspring." Aratus (ca. 315-240 bce), 'Phaenomena, sec. 1
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 16th edition - John Bartlett

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Sunday, August 17, 2008, 12:58 PM
Subject: Self-Alignment and Universal-Alignment
Reply to: 263398
ID: 263402

Dear Ken-neth Ruby,

Tuesday i want to Mark a Tear in Our Lines ::-{ Let us all Wheep for our Familie Members & see for a Rainbow in our Tears Dropping :: may we take on the Lead and Overcome the Misery Trap by atracting the on Courage Mood as a Silver Medal that hides the Gold inside ...

;-{ Nurture the Liberation Mode at the Clients Sides?


Why Tues:D ~~~ She Would Never Say where she Came From ... ~~~

--- On Sun, Aug 17, 2008, in msg263398, Kenneth Ruby wrote ---

Hi Ram and All,

Thanks for your message -- attachment leads to misery, and awareness leads to freedom. Very succinctly stated.

It is truly an anxious time for me, as I move towards giving up the concrete perceptions of the world that I have had for 57 years (in this lifetime). I guess, better late than never. But the physical world has seemed so real, so unchangeable, so relentless; how can little old me dismiss it all, along with my overbearing family making fun of such childish foolishness and telling me to get serious about the ways of the real world, the importance of money, prestige, etc.? Developing awareness becomes not simply an act of realizing freedom but a simultaneous act of major rebellion against some very intimidating powers. I prefer to think of these powers as similar to the Wizard of Oz, appearing so big and awful only because of smoke and mirrors. But I guess that I need the assistance of my three dogs to help pull away the curtain.

You mention another "childish" truth that I need to work on: that we can have an effect on the universe itself by making a change in ourselves. We are told from an early age that we are just too small to make a difference; a very disempowering notion. But I see that our most proper arena for making changes is firstly within ourselves. I have noted in my past work as a therapist that, as I did work to inwardly soften myself and my harsh responses, my clients became more open and expressive.

- Kenneth R

--- On Sat, Aug 16, 2008, in msg263393, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi S'ace, Monkseetito, et all,

Thanks for posting your parrallel message pertaining to the above mentioned theme recently posted at LRIG. You have summed up by saying:

>>>>Today is a day of LIBERATION! Just let it do its thing!<<<<

How penetrating and remindful the message is to free ourselves from the self-generated accumulated toxins of 'ego' and 'attachment'. And attachment being the biggest road-blocker. Overwhelming majority of people are deluded by its spell. It reminds me of the Budddha wisdom that says:

>>>While attachment is the source of all the miseries, awareness is the source of full freedom from all of them<<<

It goes further to emphasize that freedom is waiting for us. All we have to do is to embrace it in our openness and let it happen to us. And let it happen to us now; not later on. How about that!

To-day is the day to start with this process of emanicipation and transmutation of the old Karma.

Welcoming this transformation; realizing clearly that when we individually transform, the universe transforms. Then of course we can all dance together, celebrate together and fly together.




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