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From: Barbara S.
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:37 AM
Subject: Announcing New Book w/ Wayne Dyer, Kimberly King, and
ID: 263955

"The Power of Team"
Featuring: Dr. Wayne Dyer, Gregory Scott Reid, Kimberly King, and authors from around the world.

Dear Sophia Conference Circle:

I'm writing to share good news about an inspired new book called "The Power of Team", part of the best-selling series, "Wake Up...Live the Life You Love." The book features noted co-authors Dr. Wayne Dyer, Gregory Scott Reid, others from around the world, and our own esteemed Co-founder and friend, Kimberly King.

Kimberly's chapter, "Uniting Genius," invites us to a higher concept of Team; one in which the unique genius code within each individual is held as equally important as the genius of the Collective. This "both-and" expression of Harmony as Unity "honors the Light of One and the Wisdom of Many as inseparable reflections of the Whole." Kimberly elevates the paradigm of Team to a new level of Conversation -- one that can lead us to a TRULY greater good -- and lies at the core and purpose of Sophia Circles.

I have worked with Kimberly a number of years, and know her to be a person of vision and integrity. She has the heart of a lion and the soul of a poet, and is not afraid to speak her Truth or to share her love. Several days ago, Kimberly decided she would not tell the Sophia network about her book, choosing to keep it low-key. Tonight I decided to override her wishes, because I feel she earned it and because she deserves the support and power of THIS team.

Please join me in congratulating Kimberly on this accomplishment, and much more.

To Sophia Wisdom,

Barbara Simpson

PS The national launch date with Barnes & Noble will be published next week.


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