Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"A tree gives glory to God first of all by being a tree. For in being what God means it to be, it is imitating an idea which is in God and which is not distinct from the essence of God."
Seeds of Contemplatiion - Thomas Merton

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From: Constance H.
Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 8:25 AM
Subject: LightWorkers
ID: 264014

Good Morning Across the Universe;-)

I read this article this morning and felt to share with all of you here. The article; it's a little lengthy, but worth the big smile and little tickle to your senses ... in*joy at your leisure ... as you allow these elements part of your daily rounds;-)

LOVE to All!

* * * * *

"BS -- Roadblocks To Ascension" by Steve Rother Posted by Christopher OV Article Compiler on August 30, 2008 at 1:58am

So here we are, after finally finding a path to walk on, it is not long before we come to a big pile of BS right in the middle of our path. Sound familiar? In this channel the group shows us a different view of the BS that often stops us from moving forward on our paths. They say that as we move forward the way we deal with our own BS will determine our own comfort as this shift takes place. This message offers a fresh perspective on BS! Now. . .return to this paragraph after reading the message and read it again.

Big Hugs and gentle nudges ...

Darylann: The Story of a Multidimensional Human

Dear ones, we are going to tell you a story this day of a Lightworker, of a young lady who grew up not knowing who she was, not being able to see herself. She was not able to understand her true place or meaning in life and what she came for. She spent a lot of time in front of the mirror asking, "Who am I and why am I here?" Her name was Darylann. Darylann went through her entire life knowing she was a teacher. She came in with something to give. She would sit in her classrooms at school and church to learn from teachers. She learned at an early age to simply nod her head and smile. It was many times that she had to learn something that she knew in her heart was not correct. She learned to nod and smile and go along with it knowing in her heart that something was not making sense. As she grew up this was one of her great challenges. She learned to live with this difficulty and did quite well, adapting to just go along with the norm and not pay attention to her silly inner feelings.

Darylann reached a point in her mid fourties when she started to awaken from the dream. She started to find and take her power as an incredible, gifted being, teacher and Lightworker. When she looked back she could see that even as a child people would come to her for answers. It was then that Darylann started to move into places where she could use her gifts. When she set that intent, things started happening quickly. The more she used her guidance, the more she received. It was during this time when a strange phenomenon began to happen. Out of nowhere she would hear her name being called.-"Darylann." Yet, when she looked she saw no one. Since her name was not common it was even more unusual that she would hear it so clearly.

Shortly after that began to happen, Darylann noticed that her sleep patterns began to change. She found herself waking at all hours of the night, and even when she got a full eight hours of sleep she awoke still feeling tired in the morning. She started receiving information during the evenings and during her sleep time. When Darylann raised her vibration, she awakened the sleeping giant within. Darylann was visiting other dimensions of time and space during her sleep.

We are telling you this for a number of reasons, but mainly this is what is happening more among humans today than it ever has before. Many of you are experiencing multidimensional states while you sleep. It is going to become even more noticable in the days ahead. You will experience and open up other doors of time and space while you sleep. Some of you will wake up halfway through a sentence or a thought not knowing who you are talking to. You may be angry with someone and when you wake up, you are not sure who you are angry with. That is because you are pulled from one dimension so that you can go back into this body and awaken in the morning. It is one of the signs of the advancement of Lightworkers and it is happening on a global basis more so than ever before.

But the story of Darylann does not stop there, for as you raise your vibration you simply exchange these little problems you had for bigger problems. You humans are so imaginative. We did not think of that, so let us speak of the problems you will run into ; not knowing what lies ahead is your biggest challenge. What if we were able to tell you all the difficulties you will find? We will begin today with what happened to Darylann.

Darylann's Path

Darylann began to awaken from the dream and began to take her place among her spiritual family. She began to find her teachings. She began to find her knowing of who she was and her whole life began to change. She stopped working at the factory and many people missed her, because Darylann was the one everyone came to when they had a problem. She had her degree in kitchen table counseling several times over. As she started to move away from this to take her place, she did not know what it looked like. She did not study psychology, she did not study counseling and she did not know if she could move forward. She said, "Just let me find my path." And there it was. The moment she spoke the words, her path became clearer. She saw very clearly thedirection which would take her where she wanted to go, and she became very excited. Please know, dear ones, that the path you seek always appears instantly if your belief systems are open enough for you to see it.

As Darylann began to change those around her became excited for her and wanted to help. She found the energy changing from her full-time job into this full-time lightwork very comfortably and naturally. It was much easier than she thought. She tried to figure it out by thinking about how much money she made at the factory vs. how much she could make here. Even though the numbers did not add up, everything just seemed to be taken care of. What an adventure! We tell you that you are creators and you have no idea what that really means and what you are capable of. Perhaps you can see it more clearly in the story of Darylann's experience.

First Pile

Now Darylann has a path. She knows where she is going and she knows it is her dream -- that is what excites her. She steps on the path and puts one foot in front of the other. She comes to a point where the path divides. One path looks shorter and more direct and the other goes around a mountain before it reaches the same destination, but it gets there, too. Yet, she runs across a potential problem. Darylann knows she can take this course, but right on the path is a little pile. This pile does not look good. This pile does not smell good. This pile looks like something left over from an animal. She does not want to step in this pile and it is too big to step over. After careful deliberation Darylann takes the longer path. She tells herself that it does not make any difference which path she takes, as life is about the journey and not the destination, so she takes the longer path and walks along it enjoying the beauty she sees along the way.

Second Pile

Then, not long down the road Darylann comes upon another fork in the road. She looks both directions before making a decision on which way to go and she sees another pile. "What is this? Why am I experiencing doo-doo in my path? What is it about?" Just then she hears her name only to look around and see nothing. Startled she returns her attention to the decision at hand, which path? This time she thinks to herself that that her spirit is telling her something and wants her to take the longer path again. You see Darylann is in touch with her own spirit. She takes the longer path wondering is she has entered with BS karma from a previous life.

Third Pile

Darylann very soon comes to a third fork in her path. She laughs to herself and looks up to the sky saying, "I knew it. . . more BS to deal with," and before she even got there she decided this time she had to deal with it. This time she would take the shorter path and nothing would stop her. She reaches the division in the road and sees in front of her a very large pile. It smells really bad and flies are all around it; it completely blocks the road in that direction. Darylann is tired of being nice at this point and walks right up to the pile and pokes her finger right into it. Wiping her finger, she looks at all the options and lays out all that she knows. I know that this is BS and I know I cannot step over it and I know it smells, yet that path looks shorter. Hmmmmm. . ."

Just then Darylann hears her name again. This time is way different, closer. She turns to see her teacher standing in front of her. Overjoyed at seeing her dear friend she embraced her teacher but her teacher just nodded and smiled. Then Darylann began to blurt out all of the strange things leading up to the BS that had been happening to her since she decided to step out on her path. Her teacher nodded and smiled. In that instant Darylann realized how embarrassing it was to have a BS problem. She was about to tell her teacher about the BS and she wondered what she would think about her. At that moment Darylann heard how silly this sounded and smiled. Now her teacher really smiled because she knew Darylann was about to get to the real point. Darylann finally just blurted it out: "And what is all this BS about anyway? How can I be firmly on my real path if all this BS keeps blocking the way?" Her teacher smiles and says, "Of course it is your BS, Darylann. That is why it is so offensive to you" Darylann says, "Okay. It is mine. I take responsibility, now what am I going to do about it? How do I get past this and why am I always stuck with these huge piles of BS in my way? What is the problem?" Now in a full smile her teacher explains: "As you raise your vibration things start to change for you. One is that you begin to live in multiple dimensions and another is that all those old items stashed away in your closet must be reevaluated. You could say that your BS comes up for final review. You could also say that your success on your path can be determined by how you deal with your own BS. "

BS = Belief Systems

Let us explain, dear ones. You have more difficulty with your own BS than you have with others on your path. Now that you are evolving so quickly, many of you may find that your BS tolerance has pretty much gone away. So now you have no tolerance with anybody else's BS let alone your own, and yet your own BS starts showing up on your path. What is the problem? You humans are so imaginative. The BS you see on your path is your belief systems."

Darylann's teacher continues: "Your BS is your belief systems and often they get in the way of your shortest path. You were right, Darylann, when you thought that it made no difference which path you took but it was not yours to decide was it? The level on which you live is changing; many of the belief systems that helped you in the past may work differently where you are going." With that Darylann smiled and nodded and walked right through the big pile of BS, emerging spotless on the other side.

FBS = Flexible Belief Systems

Dear ones, when you see your whole world from this level here, you gain belief systems that help you move through life. Those belief systems have helped you move from one level to the next. Yet there comes a time when you are truly on your path that your own belief systems will start blocking you. Those are the belief systems that are not flexible. This is the time, dear ones, when you want to start adopting flexible belief systems. Dare to reevaluate your own truth. As you continue to evolve at this incredible rate, you will find that your biggest restriction is your own BS, so keep that thought as you travel along your path. Reevaluating your own belief systems-what you believe, the way you think will help you more than you know at this stage of your evolution. When you release anything that holds you into your old vibrational range, you cannot see the possibilities. The view from up here-is quite different from the view down here. What if it was possible for us to totally remove the veil from your being? What if it was possible to give you all the information so you could see and understand everything? Do you think your belief systems would hold up to that knowledge?

Dear ones, that is the challenge you are faced with for you have evolved already. You already live in the fifth dimension, you just do not know how to function there on a daily basis...yet. That is changing and the biggest piece we can give you is to re-member Darylann and how she dealt with her BS, because she simply ended up stepping over it and it went away the moment she did. When she released her attachment to the problem, it went away. You are starting to see things beyond the veil so helping yourself and helping others release and reevaluate belief systems is going to be the biggest obstacle that you will face in the year ahead. There is a lot coming. More than you know.

What's Ahead?

Now, we will talk about the time ahead for just a moment. There are some things happening that you should be aware of. They are happening as a result of your individual thought process and because of the collective of humanity. The collective vibration of humanity is changing and demanding things to start realigning themselves. There has been confusion on Earth for a very long time. You have an opportunity to end that confusion in this year ahead. It will happen in a number of different ways but this will mark a huge, conscious step from the first wave of empowerment of Follow the Leader to the second wave of Follow Yourself.

Following yourself is infinitely more difficult than following the leader.Yet, it is all based in BS...all of it is based in a belief. Having the willingness to look at what is beyond that will hold the greatest possibilities that you seek. Holding your own power takes a level of responsibility that very few humans have been willing to take before because it means that you are fully responsible for your own life. You are fully responsible for whether there is a smile on your face or not, and whether your experience on this planet is joyous or painful. It is your choice and there is no right or wrong choice, for the experience of the soul is the same and it can be in joy or it can be in pain. It is entirely your choice as to how you play this game.


The multidimensional doors are opening. That is the next part which is happening with all of humanity. It will be very confusing at best yet those of you who have gone before, those of you who are now playing with this in your sleep time, those of you who are now experiencing these things in different ways can hold the door open for the others. You can hold the energy that can help take this energy forward and make it possible for everyone to step into the next level.

We have told many stories during our time of offering these reminders and in each one of those stories we have used names that do not fit into your normal collection of names. Each one of these names has a different tonality that brings something to the table for the story itself. We have just used Darylann to let you know that there is a trigger there. We do not make those up just to keep you guessing. We are pulling those life experiences from your own multidimensional lives. That is why you are so attached to the story sometimes. That is why you are here because this may literally be another you in another dimension of time and space that we are talking about. That is starting to become evident and when you have one view of your reality, it is the veil itself because that singular view limits your perception of what is out there. The moment you start having multiple views of the same process, you can see things very clearly and that is what is happening throughout all of humanity. As you raise your vibration, you are being offered multiple views as long as your BS does not get in the way. Because that is what will stop you from even looking at your views or other people around you.

Interdimensional Travel at Night

The multidimensional doors are opening. You will experience it first at night. More than 60% of the planet is having multidimensional experiences every night. That is huge. You are starting to move between realms that you have only played in before and the fact that it is happening during the night gives you an opportunity to assimilate it on many energetic levels before you have to bring it into full consciousness. When it starts coming into full consciousness, it will simply be a knowing that you have earned because you have been there so many times.


Your physical bodies are adapting and changing. The Re-wire is continuing with all of humanity and changing your world every day. Even the foods you eat are starting to change. Many of you are starting to be attracted to foods you hated before. You could not stand them and now you cannot get enough of them. What is required in your physical being to move multidimensionaly is bringing new things into your field in order to accomplish that. Grocery stores will see this phenomenon more every day as new foods will find their way into the diets of humanity.


The biggest challenge you will have as an individual and a teacher will be helping people deal with their belief systems. We hope we gave that to you loud and clear today. It is an incredible time on this planet. If you could see only a portion of what we see ahead of you, you would have no doubt that you will move very quickly into all the energy that you can to find out your own true power.

Flexible belief systems, the systems of being able to accept things as they flow through you without becoming attached to them will be your greatest tool in the days ahead. The multidimensionality, by itself, is the one gift that will help you see things from multiple experiences. That is when you get the real vision of life and when you think that humanity has moved forward as we tell you it has, you have only scratched the surface of what is about to happen in the next three years. There are great possibilities.


Let us speak of the general overview for there has been a pull back of economics, and a rebalancing of economics on this planet recently. It has had a huge effect on people and that will continue in decline throughout most of 2008. There is a resetting of energy that is necessary and it will affect everyone on the planet to some degree. It will be felt most in the United States. It is not a bad thing; it is simply a correction of energy due to cause and effect. Let us say that it is a cause and effect of playing the old game of follow the leader. During this time of setbacks, you have new motivations. There are new opportunities that will come as a result and this may spark a resurgence of human empowerment through placing more responsibility on the individual and less on the leader.

Revival of the Spirit of America

You may see a resurgence of the spirit of America. Because it will be felt hard in the United States, there is more motivation and opportunity for this to happen. You will see people take pride and responsibility where there once was none. You will see people beginning to hold their own power not just in America, but globally. Even as we say this it is only to convey a point. You are all connected anyway. Both your hearts and economic systems are connected to each other and one affects all from this point forward. The United States currently has the balancing energy with a monetary system which has been pushed out of balance.

Europe's Rise in Power

As we predicted many years ago, Europe would have an incredible opportunity to balance the energy as an economic superpower which would balance through cooperation rather than opposition and that has never happened on this planet before. However, you are on the verge of having that happen right now as a result of these corrections.

New Forms of Energy

There are new forms of energy emerging that will take root toward the end of the next year. The vacuum of human consciousness has caused this to be a popular subject. That will set into motion several new forms of energy and energy distribution that have been waiting in the background. Technologies can easily bring humans into balance with the Earth. If the vacuum of human consciousness is high enough, the corporations that run most of your planet will have no choice but to respond. The interesting part is when they do get on board and stop resisting the change, they will find working with the earth to be more profitable. At this time we cannot say when they will be smart enough to understand that point but we will see.


There will be new ways to distribute more of the energy-not the wealth-but the energy of abundance in all areas so that everyone has much more of an equal opportunity. That is what is taking place today, and this will be an idea that may catch on and become popular. It works to distribute opportunity and put responsibility back into the hands of the individual. That is why you are seeing a negative down-turn. It is in preparation for what is taking place. We tell you it will happen from the inside out, but you will see the beginnings of it in 2008.

Personal Power

You will see the opportunity for you to hold more of your own power about your daily life, about your existence on the planet, the way you connect, your opportunities to connect with each person will change because your vision changes. This is what you would call a quiet shift. That is when you wake up one morning all knowing the same truth. It will become more commonplace and popular to hold your power.

A 'Complicated' Multidimensional Tool

You are no longer limited by the singular vision of one point of perception. You are now going to start receiving multiple points of perception and we will give you a tool-a secret since you humans love secrets-how to do that. Before you go to sleep at night, tell yourself that you want to do it. It is that simple. We can make it more complicated if you like, but the reality is that before you go to sleep, set your intent to have a multidimensional experience. Set your intent to see your life from a different perspective. You will wake up with energy because you will be taken from here and find over here you have totally different people in your field. You may be married to somebody different. You may have different children. You may have all these other things that will help you see your perspective as a singular part of god pretending to be a human. When you wake up in the morning, you are refreshed and when you look at your life you think, "That is not so bad. I can do that," because you have multiple perceptions. It is a game. Enjoy the game and we sincerely hope you lose the BS.

We will leave you with three simple reminders. Treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Play well together.


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