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From: CarolAnn(Tanita) P.
Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 5:46 PM
Subject: Robert And The Frying Of The World
ID: 264257 want to get serious? Let's get serious!

Why don't you talk about something more immediate and that has a cure——a concept we can all actually do something about? Otherwise, it is just an exercise in existential futility.

My personal favorite topic——mainly because we CAN actually do something about it——is global warming and air pollution. This proposed drilling for oil in the ocean plan——yep, let's pollute the sea now that we have polluted the planet——or drilling for oil in Alaska——how far would that take us before we have to come up with another plan——is simply a poisonous bandaid.

If we can fly to the moon, Mars, and who knows where else, I am certain inventors could come up with an alternate method of fuel power that won't hurt life on the planet and implement it within a relatively short time. In fact, THEY ALREADY HAVE...a hydrogen powered vehicle has already been invented. Jay Leno has a hydrogen powered car...a test model...upkeep and fuel provided because Jay is so poor. These cars only emit water vapor. How cool is that?

Why can't one of the brilliant, honest, trustworthy persons we admire and respect use the production of these vehicles as a practical solution for their presidential platform? Oops...there is no brilliant, honest, trustworthy person we admire and respect running for president...AGAIN.

Perhaps we could dig up one of our great leaders of the past and have scientists figure out how to clone dead cells using a cell mapping code and stem cells so that we can have a next generation person with stellar qualities and intelligence on whom our offspring can rely as leader of our country. What a concept...a person with stellar qualities, intelligence and on whom Americans could rely. Wow! Amazing that we cannot seem to find one of these amongst the millions of citizens already extant!

Tanita (CarolAnn Payne) Kelly S'60

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