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From: Doug D.
Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 1:18 PM
Subject: Another Recipe
Reply to: 264684
ID: 264686

Karen and I have felt left out not contributing to the recipe project. Boat people tend to pass the good ones around. I think this one came from a very classy 65ft Irwin in the Caribbean called PIECES OF EIGHT. So, here goes...


preparation time: 2 months

cooking time: 4 weeks

serves: 3800

ingredients: 1 large elephant, brown gravy, salt & pepper, 2 rabbits

Cut the elephant into bite-sized pieces. (This should take about 2 months.) Add brown gravy to cover and salt and pepper. Cook over a kerosene fire about 4 weeks a 465 degrees. Makes about 3800 servings. (If more guests are expected, add 2 rabbits. Do so only if necessary, however, as most people do not like HARE in their stew.)

Doug (S’58)

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