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From: Sharon M.
Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 1:55 PM
Subject: yesterday's phone conference
Reply to: 264495
ID: 264689

Dear Sophia friends:

I felt more hopeful after yesterday's phone call. If we stick to what is needed and respectfully and openly discuss all the issues, we will make it through this bump. Much love, vision and effort have already occurred so we don't want to let a large bump in the road take us away from working out any issues.

I did hear some consensus that we need to learn the ways of the feminine. We all embody patriarchal ways and responses to events (both males and females). I think that many felt reassured that this movement will go in a positive direction as we deal with each issue, and needed clarifications, support, etc., etc., as it moves forward. Very good things were said by each participant. It wasn't all just polite, nice, conversation as women were noting that much still needed to be worked on. I hope those who couldn't attend were able to listen to the taped discussion and can now add your own voices via this written discussion. After the discussion I emailed Ann expressing my hopefulness that "ongoing images and information from the groups beginning efforts through today's vision should be available on the website." I explained how our Sufi order and other organizations such as Ram Dass' Seva work, etc., everything is published for all people at all levels of the organization to see as this way everyone knows "who's who in the organizations and who's doing what and when, including all financial information, meeting minutes, etc. That is another way to alleviate people's mistrust and answer practical questions."

I think my greatest concern, and I would hope that all agree, is that we work together to not only communicate the vision, but to also articulate every spoke in the wheel and truly create a circle that expands and expands and keeps expanding because of its health and right message.

Blessings, Sharon

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