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"You know everything that there is to know about Who You Really Are – which is the essence of love. There is nothing you have to learn. You need merely remember."
Communion with God - Neale Donald Walsch

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From: Bettina G.
Date: Monday, September 29, 2008, 4:52 PM
Subject: Agenda for Board Call: Wed, Oct 15 9AM PDT
ID: 264864

Hi all,

I leave tomorrow morning for India and will not be back until the weekend before our conference call on Wednesday. Last year Mike tells me that he arranged a smaller Executive committee conference call preceding the Board call, to help set the agenda. I don't think that will be practical this time.

I have heard via email from Kay and Mike about agenda items that will fit well within committee reports (Finance and Membership).

If we could please coordinate the agenda plans via email (instead of phone) it would help me.

Send in any other suggestions.

We will need to have someone act as secretary since Rob is not going to be able to join us (he could at 10PDT but not 9).

Program: I have requested that Susan or Peter join us. Susan says she can not and is checking with Peter. I hope at least that Barry can report but I have not heard from him.

Finance: Kay raises the issue of coordination with Wichita and keeping our financial transactions accomplished in a timely manner.

Membership: Mike would like to discuss collaboration between Membership and Program on generating a roster of NAINConnect attendees in a timely manner in the future.

I will be giving the IION report.

Other items?

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