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"Pure love is capable of great deeds, and it is not broken by difficulty or adversity….It knows that only one thing is needed to please God: to do even the smallest things out of great love – love, and always love."
Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul - Bl. Sister M. Faustina Kowalska

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From: Ram V.
Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 4:14 PM
Subject: something pulls
Reply to: 264892
ID: 264895

Hi Constance, et all,

Thanks a lot for an authentic post. Very much in resonance that prompts soul-searching. My response would be a few comments as follows:

1. Until and unless a person acknowledges the problem and then takes full responsibility to address it in the best possible way, the problem can not be fully resolved. All other external resources cannot be fully effective if the inner pull to detoxify the problem is not present. Similarly, recognition of the Divine Presence in all; when partnered with the individual presence (attention); bears full fruit only when the partnership is acknowledged and fully honored within the soul. And, of course, manifested accordingly in the outer life.

2. One may appear to be lonely on the surface, but may be in Unison/One with all that is. Very difficult for the mind-intellect set to comprehend the Unity in diversity. However, much natural/spontaneous for the soul to experience its glory/splendor in one's own silence. As this silence/stillness is fulfilling and freeing in every way.

3. Divine and Self Partnership is our ongoing effortless aspiration in all we do.


Love and Best Wishes.......Ram

--- On Tue, Sep 30, 2008, in msg264892, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Greetings to All Love Radiance Members, to the world at large, to the whole, and Its Presence.

I hope that this email/post finds you well, in position for y/our next move.

I've been processing through my knowing and my experiencing, and frankly I'm numb for it. Feeling empty with nothing to share (but I'm here;-). If I share my experience, it just becomes another email/post about me ... blah, blah, blah.

I'm tired of the "me" experience.

Want to work outwardly with the group energy that flows through here, without making things and events happen, but just allowing "happenings' to unfold, and this is very hard indeed. It has become the norm to fill the void, the empty vessel with more stuff ... more of what is apparently missing, when indeed there is nothing missing at all.

What is perceived missing essentially?


Presence of what?

Godlikeness in Self.

Yes, I think this is so.

Thinking this is so, and making this so within Self, and allowing the Transfiguration as a whole, is another matter all together, and what of the matter of discussing this with other likeminded people.

Hence the feeling of loneliness on the path one takes to the returning.

We are constantly told that it's a mere impossibility (a self lead doubt) to be the likeness of God in form on earth. This is not yet within our reach, because only masters, intuits, illuminati are the only ones close to reaching this state.

We ask ... where are they, as they walk amongst us? Is this not me, not you, not we, the whole of all.

I suppose we are all waiting for a birth ... the birth that takes place literally in you.

I can control the birth in me, but I can't ensure the birth in you ... for each of us is in control of when (not if) this happens.

Does this happening, the unfolding of this birth, just happen;-)? We know differently don't we, what is involved, the pain and suffering that leads us through the water cleansing and the fire purification. Does this unfold slowly over 'time and space lifetimes' in animal/human/divine form on earth?

What more can you know of me ... than what is essential ... the Becoming!

Rest assured in your silence and peace ... and as a group ... let's bring further knowledge, love, wisdom, expression and experience to the whole.

The birth of a few in one group is new ... the group as a whole birthed in the New sets the stage for what we are waiting for ... A New World!



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