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"The need to understand human consciousness has demonstrated to us that nature is more intimately connected, conscious, and purposeful than was previously assumed."
The Way of the Explorer, An Apollo Astronaut's Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds - Dr. Edgar Mitchell, with Dwight Williams

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From: Beryl S.
Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 6:03 PM
Subject: 'Peace' ~ in relation to Knowing & Experiencing
ID: 264898

Dear Love Radiance Intention Members,

This is a post from Beryl Smith on the topic ~ 'Peace' in relation to Knowing & Experiencing Peace.

Dear Ram Varma thank you so much for sharing with us all your posting:

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ram Varma presents our Group Intention Focus Theme:

Knowing and Experiencing Introduction:

We need to experience inwardly our original strengths and qualities what we may know outwardly, so that we can experience their presence in us and thereby utilize our highest possible human potential.

In this regard let's go more in detail as follows:

1. Knowing: This is a rational understanding at the level of mind/intellect. To hold something in one's mind as true, or what it purports to. Something that makes sense. To become cognizant as such.

2. Experiencing: This is an intuitive understanding as it pertains to something in the moment at the level of the intrinsic soul. One becomes aware of the inner deep original truth or factuality as it flows effortlessly and spontaneously in one's inner silence. Something that feels like being that one naturally is, and feels it absolutely right for the benefit of all connected with the situations as presented.

To experience internally, we will need to allow ourselves to take our thoughts deeper into our inner being. So that we can discover and begin to experience our original strength of peace and other such intrinsic qualities of peace, love, joy, freedom, awareness and truth, and being one with the Source.

In this context, let's first start to know and experience the quality of peace. We first need to know what peace is at the intellectual level. Let's say at this level, knowing of peace means an absence of any disturbance and violence. Relaxed, no tension, no worries, no fear, no resentment, no anger, no jealousy, no greed, no control, no lies, no negative thought and no grief, etc. It can also be defined as harmony in personal relationships: freedom from attachment, disquieting or oppressive thoughts and emotions, devoid of violence or force. Impartial non-judgmental. Authentic performance of duties/roles; it can also be sharing selflessly, being truthful (following the way of Truth), being free to follow inner calls/prompts and being silent and quiet within.

For real in-depth experience of peace at cellular level, a person has to go beyond his/her mind, and experience it in the silence of the Self and then abide by the Self---the peace that terminates in absolute freedom. Peace is to be that which we intrinsically are, and it can be experienced in a struggle- free manner by the soul in ones silence and quietness.

One can thus experience it as a state of concord or tranquility. Being one with one-self. Generally speaking the process requires letting one enter the inner being through one's own unique way such as meditative silence. Then bringing within all the peace pointers that we know as mentioned above. Then just be and observe what happens or flows within. In one's original being there is a spontaneous energy flow; just go with it. Deeper within oneself one finds what he/she originally is and that's all peace. From this experienced peace many other similar qualities (i.e. love, joy, freedom, awareness, etc.) begin to flow effortlessly. This is an action experience, inaction of silence.

Thus we need to know, as well as experience, otherwise the sheer knowledge at the mind/intellect's level is incomplete by itself as it stays there only. Hence one can see very clearly that there are two voices which keep on speaking in us, one comes from the head and the other one comes from the deeper Self. Mind loves to stay with the voice in the head and the inner Spirit invites to listen to this deeper voice. By staying alert the voice of the head starts to loose its effect gradually.

It's through experiencing this original quality and strength of Peace (love, joy, freedom, awareness, truth) the individual personality/character begins to transform on its own according to the original quality and strength experienced. One also begins to transmute the past karmas effortlessly. Without this experience, all else is just an intellectual understanding that stays there only at the level of mind and intellect only. For this knowledge to penetrate inwardly, the soul is inviting it be its experiencer and be one with it. This is the oneness with this intrinsic quality. In this oneness, one experiences "I am peace" and further to it, being its transmitter and radiator to the rest of the universe, thus the individual Self, seeing the same Self in all others, experiencing the original inheritance of being the same as the Infinite Consciousness.

Please let this inner experience happen to you in your inner silence in your own unique way, and conclude yourself what knowing and experiencing is all about. If you do so, be rest assured 'Ah Ha Wow!' is all yours in all you aspire to know and experience. Next Themes of Knowing and Experiencing: - Oneness - Love - Joy - Freedom - Awareness - Truth We may like to dwell on them after we have thoroughly known and experienced this month's theme of Peace.


Extremely wonderfully written Ram.

From my experience – personal and with individuals with low self esteem that there is also the component of a person truly and really feeling worthy of experiencing Peace. I have noticed that if a person truly and really does not feel worthy of the experience of peace or love then that lack of worth can be a barrier to having the experience.

So a question for me is – can the above exercise also help a person to achieve the feeling of being worthy of feeling Peace, while it is helping others who already feel worthy to experience Peace ? – or does some other component need to be added ?

Love & Peace to all

In Loving Gratitude and Constant Energy Flow Be Well!

Of the Group, As the Group, As One

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