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"To the question 'What must I do to free myself?' Zen replies: 'There is nothing you need do since you have never been enslaved and since there is nothing in reality from which you can free yourself." Hubert Benoit, contemporary French philosopher, 'The Supreme Doctrine'
The Quotable Spirit - Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors

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From: James (Jim) S.
Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 2:35 PM
Subject: Cook Books
ID: 264926

Good afternoon All,

I finally have the answers to price and delivery of the Cook Books... and I found out something unexpected in the process. The printer went ahead and made up the 50 already, because he was sure you would want them.

The printing of the books costs $12 each... then we must add $2.75 to handle the cost of shipping here, the envelopes, and postage.

Let me know ASAP how many you want... send me check for $14.75 for each book, and we'll get them on their way to you.

Thank you for your patience,

Jim Sandt W 60

303 788-9560

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