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"Fear is the direct result of error….fear and similar feelings are only the accompanying phemonena of the progress of man to freedom."
An Outline of Occult Science - Rudolf Steiner

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From: James (Jim) S.
Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 8:32 PM
Subject: Cook Books
Reply to: 264926
ID: 264938

Hi All,

I guess it would make sense to let you know my address etc. if I expect you to send something to me...

Make the check to me: Jim Sandt. I'll cash them and pay the printer etc.

My address is:

4245 South Naples Way Aurora, CO 80013

Thanks, Jim Sandt W 60

------ On 10/1/08, James (Jim) Sandt wrote ------

Good afternoon All,

I finally have the answers to price and delivery of the Cook Books... and I found out something unexpected in the process. The printer went ahead and made up the 50 already, because he was sure you would want them.

The printing of the books costs $12 each... then we must add $2.75 to handle the cost of shipping here, the envelopes, and postage.

Let me know ASAP how many you want... send me check for $14.75 for each book, and we'll get them on their way to you.

Thank you for your patience,

Jim Sandt W 60

303 788-9560


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