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"God…is present, not only in the best and holiest souls, but also in all other creatures; for by this presence He gives them life and being….this presence is never lacking in the soul."
Spiritual Canticle - St. John of the Cross

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From: Jane A.
Date: Friday, October 3, 2008, 9:53 AM
Subject: If God [IS] Peace
Reply to: 264915
ID: 264962

Greetings All: Why all this confusion, if God is peace?

Because life is to [You] what you are to [IT]. But, you must arrive at peace of mind. Is there a secret way to obtain [IT]? How do I become whole?

Jesus taught no big secret. Jesus didn't perform any rituals in which to be forgiven either. Jesus taught: “God is Love.” "Love, ‘Give’ and ‘Forgive’. The Law that Jesus taught was the law of cause and effect which by design makes humankind 'reap as they sow'; in deed as well thought.

The day we cease to sow error in others and ourselves, we reap Truth. When we stop sowing loathing, being anger, and filled with guilt, we reap Love. When we stop un-forgiveness, we are thus pardoned. When we come to the end of sowing distress, we reap Faith.

It is a known fact that thoughts are often repeated in ones mind automatically and unconsciously becoming apart of ones mind; the sub-conscious mind. We become paralyzed with the [beliefs] in war, fear, unhappiness, poverty and dis-ease which is actually only a thought made manifest though your God-given power: ‘free will’ of thought process un-constructively and most often un-consciously. St. Paul tells us to report on “whatsoever things are lovely and of good virtue… think on these things.”

Change your mental blueprint. Control the chatter in your mind. Through your God-given power called, ‘free will’. Will productive thoughts where you shall “kiss the lips of your desire.”

Jesus said: “Guard your mind and heart from evil thoughts” for good reason, “you shall reap what you sow”. “Thou dost keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee.”

Your mind is Gods backyard which He entrusted for you to tend. It is y/our responsibility to weed out doubt, fear, and ruin from y/our mental landscape. “Let this mind be in you that is also in Jesus Christ.” And not before are we transformed, but only “by the renewal of y/our mind.”

Loving Oneness.. Living Harmony... Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... ;))


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