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"When we understand the underlying unity of all we cannot be otherwise than helpful, we cannot stand aside from our brother's sorrow."
The Inner Life - Charles W. Leadbeater

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From: Jane A.
Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 6:16 AM
Subject: Sense of self
Reply to: 264980
ID: 264995

Greetings and Namaste everyOne!!

The sense of self is the groundwork of all in life. We all, at all times, perform and assume with dependability through our self-image or personality. All we do, believe and sense is the bases on how we observe ourselves. The self-image is our own beginning of : "The person I am." The self-image is built through y/our beliefs about y/ourself. Our subconscious mind does not question the strength of our character however proceeds to act upon it just as if it were true. The opinion of y/ourself creates a distinct reality regardless of how accurate it is.

As well our pets. So by no means tell a pet their bad. The repercussions of such action; they'll begin to feel bad, then they'll start to act bad as well. Every part of your pet will really be doing, is confirming what you've just told them! Don't confuse the identity of your pet, with the pet's behavior. No matter what happens, your pet is a good. Lets say that sometimes your good dog has poor behavior. "Good boy, good dog, don't chew on my shoe!" "Good girl, good dog, do your business outside!" No matter what s/he does, it's incredibly important for your pet to know their true self (on no account) could ever change. If you think in terms of good dog then bad dog later, your affection for your dog will change, just like the seasonsr and they'll become confused, and not know who they really are.

You are B.E.A.utiful! and just want to tell you, I love you for all you are!

Living Harmony... wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life!!

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