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From: Jane A.
Date: Monday, October 6, 2008, 9:56 AM
Subject: Love God!
Reply to: 264994
ID: 265028

Greetings and Namaste everyOne!

Ram I want to say Thanks for sharing so much of yourSelf with us! Deeply I am so thankful to be able spend time with you, to learn and grow (at my own pace). You guys are the best of the BEST! What an honor!

Ram stated: "First step, of course, being one with one-Self (A to Z)."

For me, step one was: And IDK why, but I thought I was going to just wake up with 'wisdom' one day. After a fewyears, I realized: "If what your doing isn't working, read the directions." ..."Knowledge does not apply itself". Hmm, I actually had some work to do.

In Peter's book Self.Com he directs you to: ... For no reason, replace whatever your feeling to recognize it, then dig down deep and: "feel the joy, direct it to the Frequency of Truth and say: I give my joy to you. Guide my thoughts, feelings, actions and words to an understanding of who I am." With this I am consciously raising my vibrations to a Higher Frequency. With this action, I am attracting 'all' that is good into my life. With this 'I' am choosing rightly.

Secondly: The flood light shown on the darkness within my own thought process to the point that I was able to (see) with better clarity, (control) and (choose) what to do with them 'all'. Do I want to move away for this? Does this feel Good? NO! Ok. Does this feels good? YES! This feels great! I want more of that! I learned that every moment is my future and to choose to "Be glad in it".

Thirdly: Not sure if this is in with the second, but I truly had to believe that better, (I talking miracles) can actually happen for me. Perhaps it comes in chunks, or instantaneously, but as S*ace was speaking of earlier, you must be able to believe your worthy to accept better. I had to realize God doesn't play favorites. Peter showed me that the Holy Spirit/Frequency of Truth is REAL and really can direct our lives. IF we stop choking the channel with the vibration of doubt, fear, guilt, anger, or negative talk, etc.

I learned, "The still small voice" is not just something that we read about in the bible. It's not just something that happened to 'those people' so long ago. And that we don't have to 'die to live' or 'live to die'. If we 'choose' purely. "The peace that surpasses all understanding." It's all within our reach. Wow! That thought still blows me away.

I'm surely not (as much as I'm sure many would love me to do;)... turning water into wine, or walking on water. But it's always great to have goals :)) with a smile on my heart.

Living Harmony... wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life!!

--- On Sun, Oct 5, 2008, in msg264994, Ram Varma wrote ---

Thanks Jane, et all, for reminding us that one can cross over one's miseries (common to all of us) through the contemplation of the Self/God. In this context, I see clearly the need for an individual to have a clear true desire to see this wisdom from all the masters, as you have said. This desire will then gradually take one into the realization of the Self, pure partnership with God (in all we do) and seeing the Self in all other beings and things. First step, of course, being one with one-Self (A to Z). As we gradually and lovingly start with this process of Self-realization, our intrinsic energies and strenghts (i.e. freedom, awareness, unconditional love, compassion, peace, joy....) will begin to arise and manifest in our undertakings and interactions. We begin to wear those lenses and the world with all its complications and melo-dramas begin to melt into it. And life (with all its situations) becomes a play of Consciousness in which we have to keep our individual consciousness always resonant and immersed.

Rita, in her recent post, very authentically, shared her wisdom towards this divine partnership. How nice it would be if Rita would consider sharing this theme as the theme of the month! It is my feeling and understanding that it would be a great theme to contemplate and make it a natural part of living our lives.

Comments if any?

Love and Best Wishes........Ram

--- On Sun, Oct 5, 2008, in msg264993, Jane Apostolos wrote ---

Greetings and Namaste to you ALL!!

A great Moslem woman saint, Rabbi’a, once said, “He is no true lover of God who does not forget his suffering in the contemplation of the Divine Beloved.” The message of every great master is the same: “Forget your sorrow-producing conflicts: LOVE God!”

Peterism: "The faith you give to holiness you take away from sin. And the faith you place in sin you take away from holiness. Faith, belief and vision are the means by which holiness is obtained; through these means the Holy Spirit can lead you to the Real World"

"The kingdom of heaven is within." Look within,"what was lost is now found."

"Would you be hostage to the ego or host to God?" ~ A Course in Miracles

Living Harmony... wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life!!




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