Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"It seems to me as if I am ready to die, although as it looks to me some powerful thoughts are still flickering like lightnings in a summer night. Yet they are not mine, they belong to God, as everything else which bears mentioning."
C. G. Jung: Letters, 1906-1950 - Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors

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From: Barbara S.
Date: Monday, October 6, 2008, 2:38 PM
Subject: Next Reunion
ID: 265042

I would like to thank everyone who worked to hard to make this Reunion so wonderful. It was so special to see and visit with so many classmates after many years. There just did not seem to be enough time to visit with everyone.

I think that the next Reunion should not be too far off. 2010 would be great. I would prefer a 7 day Cruise on a Princess Line or better. I do not like Carnival but would go if that is what is picked by the group. Most important that we have quality time together and 7 days would be truly nice.

Barbara (Seaver) Freeman W'60

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