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"Humanity seems certainly to have reached the stage of its evolution in which it cannot from any viewpoint face the problems presented to it by the growth of its inner energy without defining for itself a center of love and adoration."
The Vision of the Past - Pierre Teilhard deChardin

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 7:51 PM
Subject: Gathering the Spiritual Voice of America
Reply to: 265062
ID: 265114

Greetings dear Bruce -

The message about the meeting is encouraging - and the goals are spot on! And of course I see the need to consider "The role of the feminine – becoming receptive and inclusive and shifting the paradigm to one of gender sharing" since Tahirih inaugurated the full emancipation of women to create a proactive society.

I was so surprised to see the picture you have in your post --- as it seems to mirror the one I working on yesterday (see below) in that heaven on earth is a reflective thing which begins with Source.

My iconic creation is not quite finished yet as it will show in picture and words - From Ancient times Mason's have revered Isis and set in motion the aim of emulating Her ability to create life themselves - this aim has been an active theme through the Ages and finally was culminated in the twentieth century when man found how to create and manipulate DNA. This objective, of man becoming Creators, caused what some Seers have called 'a war on women' which held the Isis Principle back from flourishing.

Isis, as a creating Ancient Mother, birthed the paradigm of Mother and Child (Horus), which She has had to reintroduce many times (Attis, Krishna, Mithra, Jesus, etc) when the divine Child has been born on Dec. 25th (the day Sirius, which is the star of Isis, rises in the East).

In any case, Sirius (the star of Isis) being discovered as a double star in 1844 when Tahirih's mission began links the two. What is different is that Tahirih is birthing a New Universal Paradigm which ends the war on women and brings about the Cycle of Balance where man and women work together inclusively. Since discovering DNA some leaders have now seen it is necessary to incorporate women as a connection to Spirit (As Above So Below). I'm not sure how I'm going to show all this in the one painting - but I'm giving it a try for Bridging Heaven and Earth projects.

--- Living Love,

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