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"This Life – the divine elan vital – is an energetic spirit, thrusting itself to expression in and through the world."
The Mystic Way - A Psychological Study in Christian Origins - Evelyn Underhill

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From: Peggy Y.
Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 9:29 AM
Subject: Sea Sick...never
Reply to: 265117
ID: 265125

Hi, I had the feeling there was a bit of confusion over plans for the next Reunion. This is what I got out of it. A Reunion next Summer sometime (all the classes we had this time) at Sunland Park, Picnic and lots of Picnic type activities. I'm sure that a lot of folks would attend including a few of us that would like to make a road trip from a far.. Richard Owens did such a great job of this last picnic, and since it was his idea, I'm sure he'd go for organizing it with help of course. Rattler's doing the food would be great! Then we have a survey going for our next Big One (all classes involved again) in 2 or 3 years with Cruises in the works and I'm sure other ideas will surface. I for one haven't bared my extremities for public observation for many years and so a cruise to Mexico probably isn't for me, but now maybe one to Alaska so I can continue my favorite outfit of jeans and turtleneck shirts would appeal. ha ha ha Just Joking...Anyway this was just kind of my conclusion. I don't think it was intended to replace one with the other. Peggy yates Perdue S'58

------ On 10/7/08, Anne Krey-Giles wrote ------

I like all the ideas - parks picnics- cruises - T-shirts. And that's the truth. Keep taking all of your pills Jim.

Anne K


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