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From: Ram V.
Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 5:51 AM
Subject: hear - her - here :: T here/The Self
Reply to: 265284
ID: 265289

Hi Starr*, et all,

Thanks for sharing your views on the co-creative process and inviting comments from the group members. My take on this is as follows:

- When we begin and proceed to know and experience the Self, the Universe/the creation and the Creator in an ongoing mode, we also begin to realize that it is an ongoing un-ending initiative. And it has no destination at all. The more we know-experience, the more there is to it. So whatever we go through by way of Self-realization at a certain stage/juncture of our journey, that is what it is revealed to us at this point. And this is by no means final at all. It cannot be. Because we are talking about the Infinite in every conceivable way. However we do need to be one with all three of them. And this has been sufficiently shared in our recent posts, "Three-Way partnership" and "Simply Be".

- As far as the Source/the creator is concerned, again it is important to know that original Source is the One that underlies all the elements all the times and at all the places, as the One that underlies all the forms of gods ( as it is unmanifest/transcendental to all forms/signs/ names/shapes etc.). And,of course, as the One that sustains all the sacrifices/offerings made. Thus it is important that we move towards developing a steadfast open subtle transparent mind. So that we can know-experience and keep merging with It in our genuine openess all the time in all we do. Even as late as our last breaths in the hour of the physical death.

- Also, I may add that all things begin to take care of themselves when we start to know and experience the Self consistently and devotedly. And through the Self we relate to the all the creations and their Source/Creator. In this three-way connection/partnership:

1. We can maintain what is working for us.

2. We can purge what is not working for us.

3. We can have what we don't have to meet/fulfill our genuine/intrinsic aspirations.

Once the above aspects are clear and there isn't any confusion/delusion whatsoever, just true dedicated pure desire/decision is required to tread the way of the Self. That's all it needs. The rest of the states of Consciousness begin to flow effortlessly. We just need to be alert and aware. And authentic indeed.

More after hearing your and other members comments.

With love and Best Wishes......Ram


Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi dear S'ace, Ram and beloved members

How did I* go this far without realizing Blavatsky wrote a book entitled "Isis Unveiled" ???? I've looked it up on the net and gleaned so far that the purpose of the book is to try and understand God and Creation. Please give me your take on the entire work and what is it saying regarding Isis IYO - if you feel like it of course.

There seems to be some disagreement if the Architect of the universe is what we call Source or God/dess. I don't think that most of the work goes back far enough into Masonary when the image of the earth creator god was androgynous, then became the divine hermaphrodite, before the male principle came out of the Being and separation began.

The most important thing to know in all this is that Tahirih's appearance on earth opened the Portal "directly" to Source beginning the Ascension. It is important to know this because as we move ahead in our awakening states there is always a move to try and bring us back to older models which don't relate to the present transformations.

Personally I see the two streams (Masons & Saviours) developing side by side in the past paradigm to be of great value because now we are emerging with "Co-Creative Status" rather than just being part of the creation designed by other creator gods. This is a Great Day of Awareness --- now that the Portal has opened for direct access without having to go through a hierarchy of Elohim Creators. Sure, we may have been able to consult with those in other realms rather readily before the Fall - but it didn't mean we really had advanced to utilize our co-creative powers of Self at Source. Yes, it is a great achievmennt if we use it in conjunction with the Spirit.

In any case if I come up with anything pertinent I'll let you know. Thanx for the response and for the sites S'ace & Ram.

Staying awake with Living Love --- Starr*

--- On Sun, Oct 12, 2008, in msg265193, S´ace g root wrote ---

:{ ... }:


“Freemas**ry proclaims, as it has proclaimed from its origin, the existence of a creative principle, the great Architect of the universe.”

Isis Un/Veiled - Helena P. BlavatskY



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