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From: Jane A.
Date: Friday, October 31, 2008, 10:46 AM
Subject: Thank You - For the Creation of this Forum & All who Participate
Reply to: 265513
ID: 265595

Greetings and Namaste everyOne!

Yes, my eyes well up with tears when the 'energy' that has been 'intended' is 'actually' radiating. Thank you all for sharing you LOVE in ways we are now 'experiencing' truly!

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. ~ Buddah


All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, We make our world. ~ Buddah

In Love, Light and Peace, Jane

--- On Sun, Oct 26, 2008, in msg265513, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi Constance, Rita, Jeanie, Beryl, et all,

How beautiful and self-energizing this is to have received your wonderful vibrtations of peace, love, joy and freedom! Thanks to all of you as it is the group energy that is vibrating at such an enormous speed without any consideration of the distance; maybe it is even faster than the space shuttle speed. This malso means that we; in our intrinsic kind and compassionate nature; can transmit this energy as the light of our Consciousness to any place and any one without any artificial mentally conceived restrictions. And whether the other person/scenario on the receiving side is open or deserving (?) to receive it or not. In any case we just bombard the receiving side with our soul-felt positive transformative energy in an unconditional non-expectring mode. A sort of detached involvement manner, if you will. I feel- know this is one aspect of the Self to Self authentic reaching out without expecting anything in return. And letting the Creator/Source take care of the overall orchestration according to Its own divine plan/way. And not worrying at all about the details of how and when things are going to turn around. Just BE alert so that we can respond (perform our own roles) to what the life presents itself in its own play of Consciousness.

This process is worth trying out in our day to day affairs including the trials and turbulations. In any case the natural principle of giving and receiving is always in working mode as long there are no mind's expectations/restrictions attached to it. In one's own meditative mode, one can also realize that this self- sponsored initiative is also moving us towards oneness with the Self and seeing the same Self in others. Poetically put as , "I am That, He/she is That, we are all That".

Having shared the above soul inkling, I urge that we all call upon the light of our Consciousness to merge with the lights of our external celebrations! And bless us all with the good health, prosperity and wisdom. May Peace be with all of us! May we have the leadership that helps us to come out of the world troubles (i.e. economy, jobs, home closures,..etc) and to show us the way to our purposeful lives together!

With Love and Best Wishes.....Ram

--- On Sun, Oct 26, 2008, in msg265503, Rita Khanna wrote ---

Hello Beryl, Ram, Constance, Jeanie and All

Great to feel and experience the power of loving energy which is radiating through this beautiful and authentic LRIG group which can be felt through the computers by many!!. It is pretty amazing as it confirms that every thing is energy. Our feelings, thoughts and expressions have such a power and can be reached miles and miles away without our physical presence. This is the whole purpose of this group and it is very fulfilling to see that it is serving its purpose and radiadating and spreading its wings far away. Thank you all for participating, sharing and connecting through your Spirit's energy with all of us.

Love you all.


--- On Sat, Oct 25, 2008, in msg265495, Jeanie DeRousseau wrote ---

Dear Beryl, Ram, Constance and all,

I don't post very often, but I too feel the "radiance" of the love in "love radiance" whenever a message arrives...

Bruce and I have been holding a vision of "resonance" with LightPages forever it seems, and so many participants have been "building the field". In my version, I've heard myself say that LightPages is about the Internet becoming a "vehicle of Light". And when Beryl's husband felt that Light coming through the computer, my heart leaped up and did a dance for the fulfillment it demonstrates... I sent Beryl's message with great excitement to all my friends... and I sense it's just the BEGINNING with all of you here and all the Light Workers coming forward!!!!

Immense gratitude for this manifestation... that you all are, and that is finally becoming visible through all the cracks of the system breaking down around us... thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

Love, Jeanie

--- On Sat, Oct 25, 2008, in msg265483, Ram Varma wrote ---

Thanks Beryl-John for your kind words for our lightpages forum and its authentic dialogues by all the members. This is such a sense of fulfillment to know that it is doing its job with authenticity, simplicity and clarity. This is a collective effort by all the members. The more we participate and share our unique experiences the more enrichment it brings individually and collectively to all of us.

Being with life as it presents itself and appreciating the ongoing loving contributions made by all the members at the forum, let's all keep enhancing the circulation of uplfiting, inspiring and creative energy for the collective good of all of us.

Love and Thank you all.........Ram

--- On Fri, Oct 24, 2008, in msg265467, Beryl Smith wrote ---

Hi This is Beryl

I want to express my very very deeply felt Gratitude and Love for all those who allowed themselves to be instruments through which the formation of this Forum occured - and all those who continually allow yourselves to be instruments in your participation.

Whenever I click onto the articles I can feel the Love flowing from my computer, and whenever I think about the group I can feel the Love radiating. It is so truly beautiful and magnificent. I feel so Blessed to be a member.

My husband seems to be becoming more and more aware. He even felt a happy energy coming from the computer. I had left one of the articles up on the screen and had gone to the kitchen - he apparently went over to the computer feeling as though some sort of funny video clip was running or something and wanted to see what was going on - he felt like the computer was sending out laughter or something.

When I explained the Forum to him - he was very impressed - and in a state of amasement.

Thank you - Thank you - Thank you - Everyone

Love - Love - Love - To All - Beryl






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