Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"Love is the magnet which holds all life together. Its attraction is so strong that nothing can resist it."
The Finding of the Third Eye - Vera Stanley Alder

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From: Ram V.
Date: Friday, November 14, 2008, 6:56 AM
Subject: Introduction
Reply to: 265777
ID: 265778

Hi All,

Moving authentically towards the integral context, here is worth the contemplation and cultivation (of an integral attitude) in all we do:

>>>We cannot escape wholeness, yet we can fail to recognize it. Spiritual awakening is the realization of wholeness, beholding the One in all....-Ellen Grace O'Brian<<<

This reality is in sync with our our monthly theme in the process of being posted soon. Just remember one word, "ONE" all the time.

Love and Best Wishes.........Ram

--- On Fri, Nov 14, 2008, in msg265777, SĀ“ace G root wrote ---

dear Starr* / Constance / Ram ,

in the pivotale timespan we are crossing and this introDuction to Julie ...
it failed my memory if we are in a frequency parallel to the Full Moon Energy.
(referring to our 3 day groupwise pulsed love/intention/radiance experiment sessions)

Can anyone remember this agreement/intend or is this a happening that just now is of a serendipiTY-pi- cal charicature?

Anyhow it seems as if the synchronisation is simply perfecT ...

in Love & Affection S'ace


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