Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"We are embedded in communities, circles within circles of communities, both small and large, focused and abstract. Holding up the ideal of unity, we strive to break down the walls which separate us from others – not only other nations and peoples, but other species and the natural world."
Spiritual Literacy, Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life - Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

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From: Rita K.
Date: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 2:59 PM
Subject: Introduction
Reply to: 265776
ID: 265786

Hello Julie and Every one

Just catching up with the messages. I would like to welcome you Julie for bringing pure energy from your group to our group. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I can truly feel the pure energy radiating from it. Lets all do it as you have written:"Together we can create the peace mankind has dreamed of for eons". As Starr* has written in her message:

"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing which ever has." —Margaret Mead

So true.

Thank you Starr*, Ram and Constance and every one for being part of this group and thank you for radiating your love, peace, awareness and wisdom with us.

With Loving vibrations.


--- On Fri, Nov 14, 2008, in msg265776, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi Julie

Constance and Ram keep generating the impulses for us to concentrate on each month for three days. Although we all feel connected and write in as we will their effort keeps the momentum and provides the physcial glue to keep the list alive and active. Their dedication to our integral goals and life is very much appreciated. Each month we feel ourselves growing in awareness. I just thought I'd mention this (having a few dedicated souls generating guiding advices on a regular basis) here so that it might help in setting up and keeping the geographic centers functioning on a regular basis. Maybe Constance will explain the intent more.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Thu, Nov 13, 2008, in msg265775, Julie Raymond wrote ---

Thank you for the warm welcome everyone. I am looking forward to learning from your wisdom and wonderful energetic perspectives. "There is a perfection in all of us that we must tap into, a consciousness of beauty, abundance, purity and harmony." ~Her Holiness Sai Maa Lakshimi Devi. Yes, Love!!! --- On Thu, Nov 13, 2008, in msg265773, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi Julie, Starr*, Constance, et all,

Thank you all so very much for sending connecting vibrations of the Divine Energy. This is so uplifting to feel-know such a beautiful integration of all the positive energies. We are seeing what is invisible to the outer eyes, but very visible (experientially) to the inner eyes of our hearts and souls. And many groups like Julie mentioned, divinely grounded in the Infinite Consciousness, are sprouting from the original seeds of the Integral Energy of Oneness. This is great to experience that we can keep growing; all of us; in our own unique ways connected with the Source. After all the Infinite Consciousness is present in all of us equally and we are experiencing its presence in our own unique ways. Of course, depending on where we are individually in our ongoing cycle of evolution. Most beautiful part of this realization is that we are individually contributing individually as wel as colectively to connect in a way that it becomes a part and parcel of the All pervading Energy of the Consciousness. In essence, all there is, is, there, this, that, you, me..all of us. In this context, dear Constance may soon post our this month's theme, "Divine Presence and Me" at our Love Radiance Intention Group. Worth the deep contemplation and connection with all that is.

Graet to intercat with all of you.

Love and Best Wishes.......Ram

--- On Thu, Nov 13, 2008, in msg265771, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hello dear Constance - I was yearning to hear your voice and thanx be to you being the Love you heard and wrote today to Julie. It's wonderful to know there are sister groups emerging globally and that we can be part of them. Thanks for the invitation Julie. The quote for the day seems to be the one Gary Winfree sent in:

"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing which ever has." —Margaret Mead

A renowed speaker was telling us last night to be sure to make our bodies lite for the transformational shift by eating smaller vegie meals several times a day and drinking lots of water. I thought too, how wonderful it is to be part of making our thoughts 'Light' too. She also said someone had a vision of the earth dividing into two earths like cell division where awakened souls went with the new one and others stayed as is. For me that was a new quantum concept worth pondering. With that concept in mind we can see that we are already part of building the new earth which can be seen when atuned to the higher frequency.

Let our Souls continue to be attracted by the magnetic energy of Love so that they may shine where ever we may be --- Starr*

--- On Thu, Nov 13, 2008, in msg265769, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Hi Julie and Welcome to LRIG!

Thank you for introducing your group to our group here. I can only hope as you do, that (LOVE) Living One Vibrational Energy is the future operating code of humanity. I feel the same synchronicity as you, that your group was established, as this one was, and many others for this same reason ... LOVE has the power to heal all the beings and all the things.

I understand, and have felt what you've beautifully described when you were in the airplane traveling over the landscape of our Mother Earth, a jewel as no other.

It seems ... We are ALL on our Way!


--- On Wed, Nov 12, 2008, in msg265761, Julie Raymond wrote ---

Hi all I was refered to this group by a friend...because of a recent posting here and the sychronicity of a group I created called Geographic Centers of Love on Yahoo. She thought since the dialog here is operating at such a high vibration you would like to know about it and perhaps our intention is aligned closely enough that we can work together. My intention was to create a place to meet and coordinate the creation of geographic centers of love all over the planet starting right where you live. To increase the vibration of love, healing, cooperation and reconciliation for the benefit of all life and of course the earth itself. First make a commitment in your spiritual practice for meditation or prayer with a shared intention. Together our aligned intentions can create a powerful grid essentially becoming geographic centers of love where we can each help to raise the vibration in a coordinated way that will create powerful spiritual energy to increase love. I visualize this like giving the energy of the planet an injection of love at the site where you are doing your practice. We can work together in virtual groups spread across the planet as they organically arise to focus our energy together by simply communicating times for participation and where we are... eventually the cumulative effect of these meditations could effectively be happening 24 hours a day, seven days a week as each person willing to participate in this vision of global love commits to taking on a regular block of time, or committing to participating when it suites. Together we can create the peace mankind has dreamed of for eons. As the Hopi prophecy says, We are the ones we have been waiting for.Maybe you're now wondering what moved me to do this? It was late July. I was returning home after attending a women's conference in Minnesota. I looked out the window of the airplane as it descended towards Jackson Hole, Wyoming, it was nothing if not spectacular. The Teton Mountains framed the wilderness valley below. Glistening silver threads of river connected like axons and veins across the rugged landscape. Even at that altitude I could feel the pulse of our mother, Earth. My entire being vibrating with her pure energy and I wept, overcome with humility in the face of her astonishing beauty. She seemed to speak to me at the powerful esoteric level of spirit speaking to spirit. I offered her an apology for the insolent arrogance of her two legged children, greedily taking from her, laying waste to her other children, four legged, finned and feathered. I felt ashamed of us because we have orphaned ourselves from her and the separation is killing us, and all of them. I asked her, 'what I could do to help her heal?' She seemed to reply because in my minds eye I saw earth healers gathering around lakes and streams, along rivers and at the oceans edge. The earth healers were standing hand in hand focusing their love and energy on the water in much the same way a reiki practitioner would focus on a client. The healers opened their heart chakras, creating a powerful merging of their energies. Love was sent out of them into the dirty, polluted waters. The water was healed and purified when the energy of love pushed the impurities together and lifted it out of the water where it evaporated. All over the world people began to use their love and heal what has been damaged.

I believe it is possible for us to combine our intentions to produce very specific outcomes. We know from the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto that water is the most receptive of all the elements, and under a microscope we can actually see how human vibrational energy affects the molecular structure of water. We could put this understanding to work by creating geographic centers of love, combining the power of our thoughts, and emotions to create outcomes that are life giving, by setting our vibrational tone in alignment with our dreams for the future. By joining hands and love we have the power to heal our mother, Earth.

Hope and love, ~Julie

PS... feel free to invite your friends to join too! Beautiful things will happen in our world. I hope you'll join... this is the link and the group description. I'm happy to create a lightpages group if you think that's best.







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