Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"The eternal harmony of the Cosmos is in the human soul."
The Essential Steiner - Rudolf Steiner, edited by Robert A. McDermott

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 1:01 AM
Subject: Two tendencies
Reply to: 265830
ID: 265833

hi rita, ram & youtoo,

interesting to focus on the vibration and meaning of two tendencies ...

ram gives us a focus on:

">>>Is religion and spirituality one and the same or these are completely different from each other?<<<

I, Ram, would answer this valid question that religion and spirituality are diferent from each other in the following aspects:

RELIGION is as structure, a concept, ritualistic, limited, civil, not fully open, judgmental, comparison with others, confirmity, forms/symbol based, medium or indirect experience and preparation for us in some way to spirituality.

SPIRITUALITY is an art, unlimited, supreme energy, no concept, no structure, no conditioning, creative freedom, completely open, all are the same, infinity, non-judgmental, direct experience and non-confirmity."

S'ace :: i'ld say:
RELIGION is an initiation from strict stories and lines to make the weaving clear in that setting.
SPIRITUALITY is putting the RELIGION forward in your LIFE Meeting and Weaving the Other StoryLines and Deal with them in mutual Peace

In some timespans many new religions germinate because of the trembling vibration shaking the odds. They may all be true and they al will be true ; some will sell other ones won't be selled - then which one is the most precious?

When a person is in a special situation, exactly that situation deserves its special spiritual step out? in? through? that situation where other ones may be a part of ... in fact we all are a (sub)particle of that situation - realizing the fact that it affects our peace & speacie


let "us" reMind the HumeristicK SpiriT Art

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