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From: Ram V.
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 8:22 AM
Subject: i take the vow
Reply to: 265983
ID: 266000

Hi Veronika, et all,

Thanks for sharing Dr. Deepak Chopra's public vow of non-violence in individual thoughts, feelings, speech and actions. I am priviledged to join in this mass vibration of its essence that incorporates integral peace. And I have invited my peace-inclined friends to join this peace movement (of energy) to enhance its circulation. We have also decided as a group to:

1. ask God's ongoing Blessings in the individual and collective circulation of peaceful energy.

2. renew this vow every morning during our daily meditations/prayers.

3. trusting in the Divine orchestarion as such.

I also like the idea of pyramid membeship in this direction.

As a group we are already feeling the immense powes of peaceful vibrations as such.

God Bless! And special non-violent vibrations to those who are off-track.

In the energy circulation of peace, love, joy, freedom and awareness that is absolutely inherent to all of us...........Ram

--- On Fri, Nov 28, 2008, in msg265983, Verronika Walch wrote ---

--- On Fri, Nov 28, 2008, in msg265983, Verronika Walch wrote ---

On November 7, 2008, at 9:45 am, I, Deepak Chopra, took a vow of non-violence in my thoughts, in my speech and in my actions. I, then, also had an opportunity to ask the almost 500 people attending the plenary session for the Alliance for a New Humanity in Barcelona if they would join me in this commitment.

I first asked them to close their eyes, put their awareness in their hearts and ask themselves honestly and seriously if they were willing to take a vow. I told them that a vow is a sacred commitment from which there is no going back. It is like a child that is born, who cannot return to the womb.

I told them if they were ready to take this vow, they should stand up. People stood up, one by one at first, then in groups of twos and threes, and finally in tidal waves, until more than 450 people had stood up and taken the vow.

Following this, everybody agreed to have at least two people in their lives take the vow. The two in turn, would have two others join them in taking the vow. Our immediate goal now is to get 100 Million people across the world to take this vow. In the meantime, we will be setting up ways to measure and support the dramatic effects this tidal wave of shift in consciousness is going to create.

Are you seriously committed to bringing about a world of peace, harmony, laughter and love by taking this vow and getting two people to join you?

If you are ready, please post a blog here on Intent entitled: I take the vow.

Let us know that you have passed on the vow to two friends. And, if you wish tell us your thoughts in the post, we would love to hear them.

Love, Deepak Chopra

I took the vow

Will you?

love veronika


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