Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"So divine and precious is The Soul, be confident that, by its power, you can attain to divinity." Plotinus, 'The Three Primal Hypostases'
The Essential Plotinus - Translated by Elmer O'Brien, S.J.

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 1:44 PM
Subject: Pi-Né-Al G’landings
ID: 266058

"Pi-Né-Al G’landings" ~~~~~~~~~~~ vibrates whaT ???

february 20, 2008 ii framed a text from one of our internet-familymembers and ii gave it a kind of oval form and in my pretty cabinet ii see it often below a small cubic mirror. By sitting there ii see myself when ii look in that mirror – which ii often neglect reading “rita” or other readable stuff (including the mind).

here it is …

So … there it is from my pretty cabinet onto the internet (again) in safe intertrust with my fellow familymember Rita (sense the sound REE – TAH , iii even interconnect this to a meditation sound and change it a little bit to NEU REE TAH :) ~ may noone of us forgive me …

Then what is that Pee Né All G’landing (the idea)

It is said to be our innerbody receiver in the head “somehow connected / labelled as the third eye chakra” , however they are separate entities and have their own procesquality.

Why did I write it different?

Well, this is a – some say jestermind – talent of me to interconnect “strange effects” to a specific word as “pineal gland” and experience the oracle reading on that new/neu ground (chakra).

Pi (English say “paj” – also wisk as synonym - ; we dutch say “pee” as “ree”)
is this strange figure that is in formulas describing measures of a circle …
and it seems to be unlimited in numbers that follow one another without a pattern
which points to a parallel behaviour attached to the cosmic energetic flow
we people often embrace as natural healing …

Né ( French past participle for Naître - Born / ReBorn: ReNé )

Al (Dutch say “àl”)
- all what is
- a total within a group (of objects)
- already, yet

G’ can be Gaya , or Galactic , or Gratitude, or [what comes up by pinealgland]

landing – is a skill to practice first before you take off as airborne; it seems to add confidence in the mindset on experiencing that kind of adventures; it also cherishes the energetic areas in a spiralic dance

Having written this down and having shared this with the family members aboard … sort of “makes my day”! ;-))

Neu Ree Taah! §§§ Y’our S’ace

‘) “eu” sound Ká-resses the basic chakra area; “ee” sound Ká-resses the 7th Chakra – four fingers above the crown & “ah” sound Ká-resses the 4th – the Hearth Chakra … all together centering the “Spineal” Spine …

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