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From: Bruce S.
Date: Friday, December 5, 2008, 6:17 PM
Subject: Two tendencies
Reply to: 265816
ID: 266078


I've been reading through many of the recent messages, here in LRIG, and in GRN -- and I was very attracted to this statement by Rita.  I'm exploring ways that big groups of people, who embody many differences, could be quickly (?) brought into resonance, or towards resonance, through underlying agreement.  This statement seems to illustrate this idea so clearly....


Rita: We human beings have two tendencies in us. One, what is good for me and my self, and another one what is good for me and every one around me .

Bruce: Interesting that both options include "what is good for me". 

Rita: When the first one gets more predominant in us, ego takes birth and it separates us from every one and every thing and we create our own separate identity.

Bruce: I like that definition of "ego" -- the sense (illusion) that the individual is something separate from "all that is" -- and is somehow navigating through time and space under its own power.  Sometimes I think that the essence of this separation is a kind of "local versus global" tension.  "I am me, and I am not like you."  But this process you describe -- gives us a way to continue to be ourselves -- our distinct individual selves -- while still converging towards, merging with, the truly universal.

One of the things that is marvelous about this process is that it contains a kind of innate self-guidance.  When we truly are merging towards the group, we are also truly merging towards the universal.  In a diverse context, that is the only thing that will work (one of the reasons diversity is great - it challenges us to rise higher).

Rita: Going beyond this level there is another level of Spirit in us, our true nature. Operating from this level unites us all and the ties of ego starts to dissolve gradually on its own. We start to feel the presence of divine in us and see the same presence in every one and every thing around us.

Bruce: Yes.  And honoring the divine in others helps illuminate it, and that light becomes the "guiding star" of our personal navigation.  This is why the process can be trusted, and isn't just some kind of mindless group-conformity....

Rita: In our day to day life seeing things AS they are presented to us not only from the surface but from the cellular level, allows us to accept more and judge less and we flow with life with least effort. Making a commitment to yourself each day to spend time in silence and experience this connection of Spirit lot more than we can imagine. We are moving towards having infinite connection in every thing we are involved in.

Bruce: This is a powerful process, containing tremendous hope.  As we learn to trust it, and make it stronger, and share it more widely, the entire world benefits.  And as you suggest, we benefit personally as well....


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