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Hero With A Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 4:46 PM
Subject: Happy Love Day now and in Eternity
Reply to: 267109
ID: 267116

Greetings Dear Radiating Love Beings

The other day in a meditation at the Tahirih Circle I saw Tahirih in my mind's eye pouring purifying water from her hands upon us; then in a short period the water with crystals was gushing from her hands upon All. When this message came to my email the other day the vision became more meaningful. I've kept the inital picture and changed some of the others because I don't have all those pictures available here. I hope you are encouraged by the message. Happy Love Day to all. Living Love, Starr*

THE AGE OF AQUARIUS!!!! !!!!!!!!! !

When the moon is in the
Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derision's
Golden living, dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Aquarius! Aquarius!
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius


Every journey I have been on has been moving towards this time of mankind coming together in harmony and love. The driving force as to why we are here, to fulfill our destiny.

This year the exact alignment spoken of nearly 40 years ago will occur with the end of a Piscean influenced society, reflected through the American government of the past, and the old financial institutions. The old regime has been driven from power by the unification of a single, collective, awakened voice. The new Aquarian era has begun in the United States of America and is being extended through a hand of partnership to the world to join in unison.
*(hope and/or insight of the author)

The alignment of Mars and Jupiter, with the Moon in the 7th house occurs as Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, and Chiron the Wounded Healer, the Sun and the North Node all align in Aquarius. To make this even more significant it occurs on February 14, 2009, Valentines Day, at 7:25am (GMT). For those of us on the Pacific Coast, that is 11:20pm the night before (February 13th). On the East Coast 2:20am on the 14th and those in Switzerland and Germany 8:20am on the 14th.

The Seventh House is commonly referred to as the House of Partnership. Within this House, we see a shift away from the self toward another - a partner.

In cooperating and relating to others we unite for the purpose of achieving something grand. Purpose is important to the Seventh House the act of accomplishing something great. In uniting with others, we become a more valuable member of our world: we make a contribution, one small cog in the wheel of life. We have purpose. Cooperation and partnership help to expedite our purpose in life.

We are on the cusp, leaving the Age of Pisces and moving forward into the Age of Aquarius fully. The alignment of Jupiter with Mars has occurred twice already once in 1973 and again in 1998. Reflect on what was occurring in your life at this time as it has a significant message for your journey forward. 2025 is the offical year for fully beginning the Age of Aquarius.

Open your heart and visualize the emerald green and magenta ray of light coming together to restore balance.

The Age of Aquarius is symbolic of a great spiritual transformation, a new sense of democracy, freedom and humanitarianism. The end of religious separation and the return of the first religion, earth religion and a deep spiritual connection to one another. This transitional period between two ages is considered to be a process that occurs over many years, not on an exact day or year.

The alignment will last for approximately 18 minutes so make a commitment to join with people from all over the world at this time and pray that our leaders of all nations are guided by love and peace and we as citizens of the world come together to support the changes of this new era. Be the change you dream about. Join together with the world this night and pray for unification and healing. It starts with us.

The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius: A Rare Astrological Concentration The most profound spiritual traditions of ancient times perceived the manifest world, at all scales of existence as being generated and pervaded by a cosmic trinity of active, passive and neutral principles – the divine essence of the masculine, feminine and child. The Vedic sages of ancient India saw the male/active life-force energy they called the pingala and the female/passive energy they called the ida weaving around and through our chakras and the child/neutral energy they called the shushumna as channeling up through them.

When these divine masculine and feminine energies are balanced and so able to fully `birth' the divine child energies within us, the ancient sages saw the so-called kundalini energy that otherwise lies dormant at the base of the spine, surge through us enabling us to fully embody our divine nature.

The purpose of the sacred marriage between the divine feminine and masculine that the ancient peoples, such as those of Malta, enacted in their temples was thus not only to bring cosmic harmony and fertility to their land but within themselves. For such balance enables the energetic activation or `birth' of the divine child within us and the attainment of enlightenment.

When this cosmic trinity of consciousness is harmonized and fully expressed within us, we are truly `healed' and `whole' as embodied by the universal symbol of the caduceus as a representation of healing from earliest times.

For millennia, only the highest adepts understood and have attained such wholeness. But elders and mystics around the world are saying that now is the time, when we have evolved to a point where we are all able to awaken our inner divinity.

This is our spiritual destiny at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

In mid February, we are offered cosmic support to this re-membering of who we really are, by a rare astrological concentration that brings together a number of planets together with the North Node – denoting higher purpose - in Aquarius. And which energizes and inspires the possibility for transcendental breakthrough and healing.

We measure our global sense of both space (longitude) and time (universal time - UT or GMT) from the prime meridian located at Greenwich, England. We can perceive the collective influence of this momentous astrological event by looking at the alignment from this globally `centered' perspective. When we do, something extraordinary and exquisite emerges.

At dawn on 14th February the day dedicated to St Valentine, the patron saint of Love, the Moon in Libra enters the seventh house of relationships. And Jupiter and Mars are aligned in Aquarius in the twelfth house of spiritual transformation.

Forty years ago, the intuitive words of a song called Aquarius, brought the dawning of the new age into our collective awareness:

When the Moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars.
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.

At dawn on 14th February the Cosmos actually embodies this perfect alignment to support our collective manifestation of love and peace and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

The Aquarian chart of 14th February reveals an incredible concentration of cosmic influences blending with the energies of Aquarius in the twelfth house. Expansive Jupiter and energetic Mars are aligned with the higher purpose of the North Node. The presence of Chiron the wounded healer offers us the opportunity to heal the schisms that have separated us for so long. Neptune emphasizes collective humanitarian movements and the co-creation of social justice. And the presence of the radiant Sun enlightens the entire alignment.

Mercury also in the twelfth house but just beyond the cusp in Capricorn, allies with transformational Pluto to communicate and anchor the Shift throughout our global structures and institutions.

The Moon in Libra in the seventh house emphasizes harmonious real –ationships.

Venus in Aries in the first house energizes and empowers dynamic co-creativity.

And whilst Saturn the great task master in opposition to Uranus the unexpected awakener is suggesting an ongoing confrontation as the dregs of the unsustainable old paradigm reluctantly give way to the untested hope of the new, their placements in Virgo and Pisces brings practical altruism and visionary inspiration to the transition.

Alignment view from the horizon

At 7.25am on 14th February – and for the 18 minutes of the alignment, I invite you, in the universal heart, to add your own intention for love and peace and to co-create the dawning of the Age of Aquarius to that of the Cosmos. In whatever way feels appropriate for you, you may choose to align with7.25am (UT) or 7.25am your own local time energizing a wave of intention that will surge around the Earth.

Having searched for over a thousand years, I can find no other alignments in the past of this incredible significance. But amazingly, at one moment in time nearly fifty years ago, the collective voices of our ancient ancestors seem to have been given such a cosmic voice to energetically seed this coming Age and the birth of the Aquarian human.

In 1962 at the same time on the same day, as 2009, Jupiter and Mars were in Aquarius in the twelfth house and the Moon in the seventh house. But then the awesome concentration of planets that energize the 2009 alignment was missing.

And instead of the North Node (higher purpose) being aligned with Jupiter and Mars as it is in 2009, it was in opposition.

What this means is that back in 1962 it was the so-called south node rather than the north node that was aligned with Jupiter and Mars.

The south node represents what we bring in from the past. So in 1962 the potential for us the birth the Age of Aquarius came through from our collective race memory - but only now are we able to fully manifest its higher purpose. In 1962 we essentially took a collective in-breath of possibility and now with the cosmic support of the Aquarian alignment of 14th February 2009 we are able to take the out-breath and make it happen.

Starr*: In my understanding the Zeitgeist began in the 1840's and leads us up to the offical beginning of the Age of Aquarius in 2025

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