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From: Ram V.
Date: Friday, February 20, 2009, 10:41 AM
Subject: Earth in the golden egg of light
Reply to: 267226
ID: 267227

Thank you, Jane, for your kind words.

With the passage of time, we are evolving in our own unique ways. Exactly this is the purpose of LRIG monthly themes and subsequent dialogues to help us in knowing and experiencing the Truth as is. So that we could do our whole duty accordinlgly as we steadily journey back to the Source from where we all have come.

Dear Jane, your interest and participation in such dialogues is truly appreciated. As it helps in the circulation of pure peacful energy that we need; moreso, in such demanding times.

Journeying together in great spirit.......Ram

--- On Fri, Feb 20, 2009, in msg267226, Jane Apostolos wrote ---

Greetings and Namaste everyOne!

Thank you Ram for your *Ponderings*. Thank you Rita for your guidance in this meditation. Thank you Constance for having the vision to bring us to this space/time experience. Thank you Starr* for the visuals... Thank you all for sharing your love/experiences, I cherish them all!

c/o Ram: When this essence is deeply experienced we know that there is a total alignment with all that Is.”

Diving into the Oceanic sea of Joy, in my hearts mind, I saw my heart open. I saw it peel back and felt from the furthest star in the Cosmos ...this alluring light of Love and heat pouring therein. To bask within this experience of pure Joy and Joy more abounding is a treasure worth seeking out!

Through out my activities I felt illumination must be visible as I abided within this Sea of Joy. I know undoubtedly I have ‘totally aligned with all that Is’ through the grace of my teachers and friends here. Thank you… from the depth of my being each and everyOne!

Living Love, Jane

--- On Mon, Feb 2, 2009, in msg266964, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi Julie, S'Ace, et all,

In my last post regarding the meditation technique described in your article, I said that I will now let the essence flow freely and fully in me. Since then I have meditated a few time on the essence of this wonderfully connecting way with all that is. I hadn't done the deep oceanic journey before in my earlier regular meditations. Since yester-day, I have meditated on the lines as dear Kathumi channeled through. I just want to say that how enriching, freeing, connecting and elevating it has been. Moreso with the falling of the traces of the wall that still existed somewhere in the sub-consciousness. The journy has now become more open and infinite; more free and more full. The universal consciousness (called 'Brahman' in Sanskrit) is limitless, infinite number of universes come out and go into the infinte Brahman. However, the original Source remains unchanged. This is such a splendid reality to observe and admire and be just absorbed in the total Oneness. I could go on...........

Julie, I have a small request to make. In this meditation that you recommended, I enjoyed flowing with the descriptive experience of the oceanic creatures (i.e wales, dolphins, Manta rays, mermaids and sea horses) and their absolutely pure unconditional energies. I was wondering, if you could also describe the similar journey (i.e creatures and energies) going upwards through various universes to the Source. From where we all came and to which we are all returning. In my humble suggestion, this additional description may further add to the experiential awareness of the Infinity as Is. In anycase, this is also which came to me to request you so kindly.

Look forward to receiving such information if it is available for sharing please.

God Bless!

Thank you and love you all of you.........Ram

--- On Mon, Feb 2, 2009, in msg266961, S´ace G root wrote ---

hi julie "july" ~ i have a little storyline on this Kuthumi fiGur ...

let me first give a line that accompanied Ram's Glory to your Sharing ... ( i join him :)

"The word disappears, the poetry is gone, but the imaginal form persists within the mind and works on the soul."

"the imaginal form" is pointing to the body-construct that has a geo-metrical logic inside that facilitates all magic / phenomenons ...

This has already been pointed out by a human talent we refer at by the name "PlaTo". Also Platonic.


So now the Kuthumi Serendipitical Happening in an adventurous primal lifecycle ...

( why primal lifecycle ? well when you get 52 the 1st cycle is accomplished and the 2nd one starts and recognizes 73x260 energetic alike deja vu's ~ according the pathway i often refer to - maybe because it proofs itself as a handy :)

Maybe this started by Birth - as all things just get a synchronization point for all human beings including the seeding procedure before - then it went by a unconscious flow every know and then pivoted by a lucky guess / void; ... (quit some stories there, but let me stick to the head & hearthlines here) ...; end may 1985 aligned to a story of Drunvalo M. a Norwegian Breen bursted into a Cosmic Egg (human skull in latent mode) - something to do - but what?; winter 1991-1992 invoked a trinity essay on the Quest "has everything been said" parallel to a Fukuyama booktitle "the end of history"; the initiation content is considered to be a new dispensation on how we arrange our governance sovereignty in a interrelating world because of logistical options trading cheap labour and nations (egoic?) standards; in 2005 this lead to a collaboration with a guy from Italy who worked on "flexible learning" and he honorably invited the writer(ra) - they wrote an essay on "bugs in voting systems" and he pushed the "webmaster" into the worldcitizen "foraum" ; then in a na(t)ïeve piece of exchange the name "Kuthumi" / "Koot Hoomi" (co-master of HPBlavatsky with Master Morya) popped up and a co-ordinator picked this up as a teaser to get the writer to India / Lucknow ; some inter/trans-cendences managed to pull me into this jam of writers and reader who have pleasure in bringing this planetary mission at the final st...ages.

So, the title of this topic is very profound ... where it alignes to Pearces Crack of the Cosmic Egg ...

MercY Bueno ... S'ace ... on behalf of all his potential essences aligned ;-)>~~~

in the MeanTime ... the 2nd LifeCycle writes across the first one ...

LetZ WaltZ the DaNuBe ~~~ RiVer(TiCal)




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