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From: Rhonda H.
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 8:42 AM
Subject: It's that time again...
ID: 265904

First of all, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are ever so grateful for your involvement and hope that you enjoy giving and receiving as we consciously focus on all that we have. We send our heartfelt gratitude here and around the globe.

Now, Mark your calendar now!!! The next Circle Connections Membership call will be: Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008 9:30AM Pacific Time, 12:30 PM Eastern Time Just call: 1 (218) 936-7999 Pin: 195224# We are excited to be on the brink of new beginnings fueled by hope. With Thanksgiving behind us and the winter holidays just around the corner, we turn our attention to the New Year.

This month our Circle Connections Membership call will focus on imagining the miracles we will be a part of in the upcoming New Year.

What will we bring into form? How will we shine? What will we share?

Bring to this call your vision for your community and for the globe, and the part you intend to play. As your holiday gift to us at Circle Connections, please help us expand our membership. Spread the word! Invite all your friends to join us on this call and to become a part of our Circle Connections community. Please send a quick R.S.V.P. email to We look forward to 'seeing' you.

Rhonda - Ann - Donna Co-Directors of Circle Connections P. S. Visit our blog at and join in the conversations. There's some great stuff there!

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