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From: Rhonda H.
Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 4:22 PM
Subject: Monday's Blog Talk Radio Show Canceled
ID: 270993

Dear Circle Connections Community,

Sorry for the last minute announcement. Our Blog Talk Show is canceled tomorrow due to silence! Read on for more details...

Ann is on an adventure so I had intended to host our radio show solo tomorrow. My dear talented, wise and wonderful YaYa sister, Pam, a Unity Minister and expert in the Divine Feminine was going to be our guest to share stories of witches and crones in celebration of the spiritual side of Halloween.

I was looking forward to doing the show from my beloved Port Townsend. I have been on a wonderful fall road trip from southern California to Washington for a much welcomed time to renew. For the past couple of years more than not I have been in Southern California where my attention has been focused on the recovery of my grandson, now 5, from autism. It has been a remarkable journey, and with great delight he has come far enough that I feel comfortable enough return home for a couple of weeks to reflect on my next steps.

Although the drive from the south to the northwest is a long one, time alone to reflect was a savored blessing. As much as it is an essential part of who I am to be a contribution to my grand-children's lives, I am weary to my core and need to reconnect with my soul, resting my bones a bit more than I have had time to do. My health needs shoring up a bit. Greater balance calls for adjustments.

Funny how it goes. Soon after I left, a virus took over my body like an alien, when I finally stepped away from being in constant hyper-vigilance. Being on high alert drains your auto-immune system's resources. The first few days here in PT have been spent in bed in hibernation. I am finally beginning to feel better, but have little or no voice!!! God has gone to great lengths to silence me, slow me down, and has parked me here for a week alone, house-sitting for dear friends (and their chickens) on the edge of the Straits of San Juan... and even the sun is out! It is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I too often fail to listen to my body until the two-by-four hits, so now that the Universe has my full attention and given that I have no voice, it seems like a 'no-brainer' to cancel our show for tomorrow and remain focused on expanding my ability to be still and take better and more balanced care of myself. I have been in over-drive too long.

Perhaps you are like me, as so many women are. We are such good caregivers to everyone except ourselves. So, if you resonate with this, take the half an hour that you would have spent with the Circle Connections Community on the radio show tomorrow, and instead of filling it with 'DOing-ness', hang out somewhere and just BE. After all, that is what we are, human-BEings. Take a few minutes to listen to the sounds of silence.

I find I often wear the feelings of many women on my sleeve, so as I dust off my 'womanifesto' and have insights and reflections along the way on my road trip, if I feel called to do so, I will share them with you. I know I am not alone in feeling unclear about where and how I fit into the conscious evolution and shift we are all experiencing, but I am certain that I do. Wisdom is on a need to know basis! Trust on oneself is essential. It's time to reconnect with that part of myself.

Hopefully Pam will join us at a later date to share her wisdom and insights. Sisterhood connections are so dear, treasured and important, especially now. It seems a crucial time for women to go deep together, holding the unconditional light of support for one another, and to consciously expand the quality of our ability to trust one another and ourselves.

Blessings and Joy from the road, Rhonda

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