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From: Rhonda H.
Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2010, 5:39 PM
Subject: A reminder about upcoming Blog Talk Radio Shows...
ID: 271114

Mark your calendars now for these upcoming Shows...

12:30 p.m. Pacific/3:30 p.m. Eastern

Circle Connections Blog Talk Radio Show

Act In, Act Up, Act Out, Act Together

Call: 347-215-7136

- or -


November 15th, 2010 ~ The Power of Love and Leadership Dr. Diana Frade, founder and president of Our Little Roses Ministries in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, a multifaceted ministry focusing on the girl child at risk which includes, a bilingual school for Our Little Roses’ girls and children in community, a medical and dental clinic that serves the poor, a language immersion school for foreigners who want to learn Spanish and a newly inaugurated retreat and training center, joins us to talk about the power of love when offering emotionally and physically abused girls a safe and loving home where they can thrive. Through her dedication to building lives and preparing and helping once-homeless girls to help them reach middle-class status and a sense of high-self-esteem, Diana herself demonstrates the power love in the form of feminine leadership.


November 22nd, 2010 ~ Conscious Grandmothering: A Paradigm for Leadership Without your choice you automatically become a grandmother when your child becomes a parent. There is a greater decision to be made than merely choosing which endearing name you want to be called. Yeshi Newmann, grandmother, mid-wife, and social activist, joins us in a conversation about the role of conscious leadership in our role as grandmothers. Together we will open the door to deeper questions: “Who am I now? Who do I want to be? What is my calling as a Grandmother?”

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