Circle Connections From: Rhonda Hull
Date: Sunday, May 15, 2011
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Please send your love and prayers to Ann and her family. They have experienced a few bumps along the way lately. One of Ann's daughter's was struck while riding her bicycle a few weeks ago and home and recovering. Then Ann's grandson was injured late last week in a bounce house accident and sustained a head trauma and brain injury.

The first few days were scary, and Jackson was moved from intensive care yesterday to a regular room, asked for a McDonald's hamburger and wanted to know if someone was remembering to feed his goldfish, so he is on the mend. If he continues to improve will will be released to go home Monday or Tuesday, then will need to be still for 6 weeks as the brain heals itself. Good luck keeping a little guy still!!!

We only have a few Blog Talk Shows left so don't miss any. We have done over 100 shows over the past 2-plus years and interviewed many amazing women. Do visit our archived shows on our Circle Connections site.

I told Ann I would host the show tomorrow so she can focus on the needs of her family and 6 year old "Jumping Jack Jackson." Do join is for our remaining shows, bless all the wonderful men and women who have gifted us with their time and talents, and join us for our final show that will be held in circle and will give you a preview of what is to come...

Tomorrow our guest will be:

May 16th, 2011 – The Tao, Defiance, Fostering the Self-Confidence of Women and Girls It is only a strong sense of confidence in our strength and abilities that we can place the highest value on our gifts; just as, conversely, it is only with our permission that others will devalue that which we have to share with the world. CJ Golden joins us in an edgy conversation about the importance of fostering the self confidence of women and girls and understanding the philosophy of Tao and defiance in order to grow in self-esteem and inner strength.


May 23rd, 2011 - Global Room for Women and the Power of Connection Linda Higdon is a heart-felt spiritual activist and champion for the power of women’s global connections, dialogue, and engagement. Compelled to provide U.S. women with the meaningful experience of talking directly with and learning alongside women from developing and war-torn countries, Linda’s path lead her to founding The Global Room for Women. She joins us today to share about her passion to provide a virtual room where, on TeleCalls, women from different cultures come together for dialogue and understanding; where impoverishment gives way to empowerment; and where every woman is awakened to the other for the greater good of all.

and our final show...

May 30th, 2011 – View from the Center of the Circle: Connecting on the Evolutionary Edge After over two years of connecting on our Circle Connections radio show with amazing extraordinary and ordinary co-creative women (and men) in support of the power of Circle, this will be our final show (for now). Please join Ann Smith and Rhonda Hull, co-founders of Circle Connections and other circle advocates coming together is a virtual circle to share the current view from the center of the Circle, connecting on and sharing their insights from the evolutionary edge.