Circle Connections From: Rhonda Hull
Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2011
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WPC Birthday Celebration 2
Celebrating Ourselves
WPC Birthday Celebration 1
Powerful Women in a Powerful Circle
Basket - WPC
Women weaving their story
Welcome to Circle Connections Newsletter  
Vol. 1:3 ~ edited by Roskje Hasseldine ~
"Women's Power Circles Birthday Gathering:
Being loved for being ourselves"
Circle Story submitted by Rosjke Hasseldine
(We invite you to submit your 300 word circle story for consideration to 
Women's Power Circles graduates gathered to celebrate Women's Power Circles' birthday in Nottingham, United Kingdom. As the women arrived they were delighted to greet old and new friends and the room quickly filled up with strong warm voices. All the women had experienced a six-week circle during which they'd shared their stories and examined their mother's, grandmother's and their own lives through the three key themes of Women's Power Circles - claiming our emotional needs, feeling more visible in our relationships, and claiming our entitlement to be our own person and live life on our terms.
 After we'd cheered on each other's successes and gave encouragement to our struggles, we performed a Rope Retying Ceremony, adapted from an American Indian Women's ritual. We stood in a circle holding a red piece of string around the inside of us. (The red string was symbolic of our biblical sisters who used to gather in the Red Tent during their moon time.) We took turns to cut ourselves away from the string while we shared what relationships, beliefs or experiences we were cutting ourselves away from because they were not helping us be our full selves. After we'd cut ourselves away we went around again and retied ourselves to each other and shared what needs, boundaries and rights we were going to be mindful of in our relationships and how we treated ourselves. Milli Galgut later weaved a beautiful basket with the string to symbolise our "New Perspectives".   
At the end of the ceremony the room felt lighter. A lot had been released. We also felt less alone because we had cut away so much similar stuff and retie ourselves from a place of being loved.  
For more information about Women's Power Circles go to 
Circle Tips ~ Power Circles 
submitted by Ann Smith     
Power comes from within the circle.  Circles with a sacred center honor and utilize the power of Source, especially the Divine Feminine through rituals and practices adopted and co-created by circle members.
Power-with replaces power-over; everyone is valued and shares the information, resources and leadership.  All are experts; Circle is teacher, sage and prophet.     
Tend, mend, co-create and collaborate flourish; the oxytocin effect.     
Knowing and using this power transforms our lives, our families, communities and world.   
Circle Connections
Blog Talk
Radio Show Schedule
Join us  for
12:30 p.m. Pacific/3:30 p.m. Eastern

For access information for live and archived shows, visit:
May 23rd, 2011 -  Global Room for Women and the Power of Connection
Guest: Linda Higdon,
Linda Higdon is a heart-felt spiritual activist and champion for the power of women's global connections, dialogue, and engagement. Compelled to provide U.S. women with the meaningful experience of talking directly with and learning alongside women from developing and war-torn countries, Linda's path lead her to founding The Global Room for Women. She joins us today to share about her passion to provide a virtual room where, on TeleCalls, women from different cultures come together for dialogue and understanding; where impoverishment gives way to empowerment; and where every woman is awakened to the other for the greater good of all.
May 30th, 2011 - View from the Center of the Circle: Connecting on the Evolutionary Edge
Guests: Ann Smith, Rhonda Hull, and other Circle Advocates

After over two years of connecting on our Circle Connections radio show with amazing extraordinary and ordinary co-creative women (and men) in support of the power of Circle, this will be our final show (for now). Please join Ann Smith and Rhonda Hull, co-founders of Circle Connections and other circle advocates coming together is a virtual circle to share the current view from the center of the Circle, connecting on and sharing their insights from the evolutionary edge.

Event's Diary

Compiled by Rosjke Hasseldine

June 7, 8 - 9pm (London Time) - Free Teleconference on Jealousy and other hurtful behaviours in women's relationships, what is it all about and how to deal with it.
Hosted by Rosjke Hasseldine and Women's Power Circles. This Free Teleconference is for women only. Call 0844 8 360 360 (UK) or +44 844873 60 60 (from other countries) and then passcode 94445. 
June 9, 6.15 - 9.30 - Jazzin' it up! with Footsteps to the Future
Electrifying Evening with Jazz Legend Ira Sullivan
2301 First Street, Fort Myers, FL 33901, US
VIP tickets are $50 or two for $80 or general admission $25 or two for $45. Students $10
Contact  Judi Woods (239) 281 7378
September 24 -10, The Circlework Leadership Training
Ithaca New York with Jalaja Bonheim
If you have an event you would like included in our next newsletter, please email the follow details to Rosjke
  1. Date and time
  2. Name of event
  3. Where the event is
  4. Cost
  5. Web link and/or details of who to contact
Please send me ONLY the above information in an email and no fliers. Thanks! This makes the job so much easier.

Remember, it is far more fun to stop running in circles and become a part of one!
Wishing you powerful connections and joy-full colaborations,
The Co-Creators of Circle Connections