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From: Rhonda H.
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 12:50 PM
Subject: Thoughts on The Membership Call 5/7/08
ID: 260815

Dear Wonderful Women,

Thank you for a very informative, inspiring, and tender call. I hold in my heart the incredible things shared by all of you. How reassured to know that my dreams are treasured by you as well.

Here are some thoughts as they bubble up through me now, and in sharing them I invite further sharing and support from all of you...

Comments for Virginia...

I had the chance to visit both of your websites. Your graphics work is intrieguing. I remember you talking about wanting to do something with your 3D characters. Tell me more.

Comments for Judy...

I love the term 'frequency-holder' as used by Tolle. I have been on a search for the optimum words to describe what I do when I hold the space for miracle manifesting, or better said, words to describe my gifts in a way others can understand and connect with... and then how to put this way of being into a form of service. It is the ongoing alchemy of how we hold money in our culture and the evolution of spirituality. I have a vision that is recurring, to create a women's support and resource center chain, like Curves, where no matter what community you moved to you would have access to such a place that had a 30-40 minute consciousness workout of sorts. Hmmm. I don't want to loose my authentic self but rather fully channel it into meaningful and prosperous work. I'd love to further this conversation and will create a telecall opportunity where we all can share about websites and promotion. I think both Virginia and Donna mentioned that they have things they can share.

Comments for Donna...

As you spoke on the call, you could hear the passion expand in your voice as you talked about Horseback Riding Therapy. You talked about a leadership program for women. Tell me more about what you dream that to look like. I have a dear YaYa sister friend here where I live whose life was forever touched by her work with horses. Another person I feel compelled to connect you with is a woman named Suzanne. I will introduce her to you by email. She was not on our call but is a new addition to Circle Connections. She has created and offered many wonderful retreats and events for the empowerment of young women and may have valuable information and input for you. I am also eager to hear more about Colleen's work with young women.

Comments for Colleen...

Change is happening so rapidly and we are breaking our habit of depending on 'doing' to assess our progress that I share the frustration with you with passion spurts when I want it to be sustainable. We can practice non-attachment and trust together. I LOVE YOUR IDEA ABOUT HOUSE CALLS. When I was a MFCC intern we were trained on the model of "You're broken and I'm here to fix you." There were several situations and events that finally nudged me to abandon licensing and step into coaching/mentoring. I had always had a different 'come from' place, "You've forgotten your magnificence and I'm here to support and encourage you, nudge you at times, and most of all hold the place for you to remember your magnificence." That's not to say that boundaries aren't important. They are. However, being vulnerable and authentic is crucial to real connection. If you are mindful in the design and clear in your own emotional health, love will lead the way. You are a healer more than a therapist, and doctor's used to make house calls. To me, it is a purer form of real relationship. I also agree that trust circles are very valuable. Young girls can be so cruel to one another without another way shown to them. I would love to explore this further with you, especially when I come to town.

Comments for Kalla...

Oh, how I would love to make it to one of your Solstice gatherings. This year I will be i Long Beach, CA at that time. Please share the info on LightPages, and send it to me again so I can post it on our website. You were a welcomed addition to our call.

Comments for Elizabeth...

So many of us feel unsure. I sense this comes from being plopped in the middle of a 'human DOing' culture when we were designed to be 'human BEings'. I feel so confident in the value Circle COnnections offers because it pools support for those who are called to expand a more conscious path. Present moment is key, and I also appreciate the Tolle work. I would love to see all women return to a more kind and gentle way of BEing with one another. So, hold hands with us while this part of your path feels unsure. When your path is rocky, there will be those who dare to take a step or two in your behalf, encouraging you to lean forward when you are ready.

Comments for Sage...

I look forward to the call time we have set aside to explore the resonant field together. What we want is always shifting and changing in appearance, but beneath what moves is a stable core of knowingness. We can encourage one another to follow our knowingness and trust that change is good.

Comments for Ann...

As we shape-shift our website to reflect the unfolding dreams of those who make up the community of Circle Connections we will include more about BEing green. I loved what you said about moving forward sooner than later, not waiting until perfection arrives because it seldom does, and teaching best what we most need to learn. We have moved from the information age and are now a part of the transformation age. Change is happening so fast, and our place is to share our courage to be a part of the process. Let me know when your outline for this offering is complete and then we can post it on the site.

And, as Virginia mentioned (I think it was Virginia) as we talked about manifesting our dreams... we can replace' I don't know how' with 'I now call it to me'.

I thank you all for a wonderful connection!!!


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