Bridge Across Consciousness
"It doesn't much matter if you do all the right things and stand up for good…if you do it without love."
End-Time Prophecies of the Bible - David Haggith

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From: Richard (Rich) O.
Date: Monday, October 6, 2008, 9:51 PM
Subject: Our next get-to-gether
ID: 265056

Dear classmates, may I make a suggestion. I think it would be a real great time for all of us that can make the trip. To gather at Sunland Park in 2009, sometime during the summer, maybe in late September. and have a great big "Picnic" With games like baseball, horseshoes, tug-o-war, etc. Provide a live band or a DJ with a real sound system. Have a pie contest. A watermelon eating contest. Everybody dress in the 50's mode. And in the evening have a dance with hay bales and sawdust on the dance court. Maybe show the movie "Picnic" or some early cartoons or a "Hoppalong Cassidy or Roy Rogers oater. We could do a giant pot luck meal or have "Rattlers" provide the fix ins. It would be relatively easy to organize and inexpensive to fund. What yu think? Richard Owen S58.

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