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The Great Ideas, A Syntopicon, vol. 1 - Mortimer J. Adler, editor

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 8:50 AM
Subject: hear - her - here :: T here
Reply to: 265392
ID: 265413

S'ace - you iz the bioVoid Being!

Thanx for sending your quote in ----- that was what my art connection of Isis-Sirius and Tahirih is about

Horus, Mithra, Krishna, Jesus and on and on. Tahiriih (Isis-Sirius [double star in 1844]) is now ending this earthly paradigm of Mother and Child saviour and birthing a new one of universal balance with folks 'getting the Knowledge' as mature Beings on the road to ascension (Portal to Source now opened). So me thinks this guy has it right on the paradigm of Mother and Child. The Mary needs more developmet.

Take a l00k*

Hugs - Starr*

--- On Tue, Oct 21, 2008, in msg265392, S´ace G root wrote ---

hi Starr*,

as you are awakened and aware of my sy*pathic hobbits'
you & some/all others here do not underestimate the cauldrons magic ...

so when i stirr up some fire it just was for the cooking of some nurt-u(r)ring ... as a menu for the ones at the *able ;-)

and someone i could not see at that moment ...

came up with a message co*sidering Y our Quest on IsIs ...

The stories of Jesus and Horus are very similar, with Horus even contributing the name of Jesus Christ. Horus and his once-and-future Father, Osiris, are frequently interchangeable in the mythos ("I and my Father are one").
The legends of Horus go back thousands of years, and he shares the following in common with Jesus:

Horus was born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger, with his birth being announced by a star
in the East and attended by three wise men.
He was a child teacher in the Temple and was baptized when he was 30 years old.
Horus was also baptized by "Anup the Baptizer," who becomes "John the Baptist."
He had 12 disciples.
He performed miracles and raised one man, El-Azar-us, from the dead.
He walked on water.
Horus was transfigured on the Mount.
He was crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected.
He was also the "Way, the Truth, the Light, the Messiah, God's Anointed Son, the Son of Man, the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God, the Word" etc.
He was "the Fisher," and was associated with the Lamb, Lion and Fish ("Ichthys").
Horus's personal epithet was "Iusa," the "ever-becoming son" of "Ptah," the "Father."
Horus was called "the KRST," or "Anointed One," long before the Christians duplicated the story.
In fact, in the catacombs at Rome are pictures of the baby Horus being held by the virgin mother Isis - the original "Madonna and Child" - and the Vatican itself is built upon the papacy of Mithra, who shares many qualities with Jesus and who existed as a deity long before the Jesus character was formalized. The Christian hierarchy is nearly identical to the Mithraic version it replaced. Virtually all of the elements of the Catholic ritual, from miter to wafer to water to altar to doxology, are directly taken from earlier pagan mystery religions.

Mithra, Sungod of Persia

beware of the fact that it still is a quote ... on a deVice

::*:: naMasteY S'ace

--- On Tue, Oct 14, 2008, in msg265284, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi dear S'ace, Ram and beloved members

How did I* go this far without realizing Blavatsky wrote a book entitled "Isis Unveiled" ???? I've looked it up on the net and gleaned so far that the purpose of the book is to try and understand God and Creation. Please give me your take on the entire work and what is it saying regarding Isis IYO - if you feel like it of course.

There seems to be some disagreement if the Architect of the universe is what we call Source or God/dess. I don't think that most of the work goes back far enough into Masonary when the image of the earth creator god was androgynous, then became the divine hermaphrodite, before the male principle came out of the Being and separation began.

The most important thing to know in all this is that Tahirih's appearance on earth opened the Portal "directly" to Source beginning the Ascension. It is important to know this because as we move ahead in our awakening states there is always a move to try and bring us back to older models which don't relate to the present transformations.

Personally I see the two streams (Masons & Saviours) developing side by side in the past paradigm to be of great value because now we are emerging with "Co-Creative Status" rather than just being part of the creation designed by other creator gods. This is a Great Day of Awareness --- now that the Portal has opened for direct access without having to go through a hierarchy of Elohim Creators. Sure, we may have been able to consult with those in other realms rather readily before the Fall - but it didn't mean we really had advanced to utilize our co-creative powers of Self at Source. Yes, it is a great achievmennt if we use it in conjunction with the Spirit.

In any case if I come up with anything pertinent I'll let you know. Thanx for the response and for the sites S'ace & Ram.

Staying awake with Living Love --- Starr*

--- On Sun, Oct 12, 2008, in msg265193, S´ace g root wrote ---

:{ ... }:


“Freemas**ry proclaims, as it has proclaimed from its origin, the existence of a creative principle, the great Architect of the universe.”

Isis Un/Veiled - Helena P. BlavatskY




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