Circle Connections From: Rhonda Hull
Date: Thursday, August 18, 2011
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Circle Connections
August 20, 2011 Volume 1 Issue 6

In This Issue

~ Circle Connections Update 
~ Circle Story
~ Circle Tips
~ More on Circles
~ Event's Diary
~ Share this Newsletter

Welcome to Circle Connections Newsletter
Vol 1 Issue 6 ~ edited by Rhonda Hull ~

circle connection update header

Circle Connections Update

Circle Connections is changing, growing and evolving! There's nothing better than connecting in person to experiencing the power of Circle, however more and more find it becoming ecologically and economically challenging. We hope to offer you the next best thing. Coming in October we will be bringing you the intimacy  and power of a Circle experience online. Using the latest in Teleconferencing, we will offer a virtual TeleCircles Event, Make a Difference and Thrive.

In order to better serve you and keep you informed about this and other upcoming Circle events and offerings, we are changing our email system. We value your connection with you and don't want you to miss anything, so please take a moment to visit our website at Once on our site, you will find on the right a purple opt-in box. Please in-put you name and email and sign up (again) to become a member.

This small step will keep you in our database AND in appreciation, you will receive a FREE download, "How to Make a Difference and Thrive Using Circles". Thanks, and please do it right now before you forget.

Thanks for remaining a valued member of our Circle Connections Community.

circle in action

by Bonnie Kelly, Imagine the Good 

(We invite you to submit your 300 word circle story for consideration to
It is my great pleasure to report on a women's event that took place in San Francisco (April 28-May 1, 2011) that I think contributed greatly to women learning to trust each other, as sister allies, on a planetary adventure and mission together.

The name of the event was "The Alchemy of our Spiritual Leadership" and it was beautifully orchestrated by Women of Spirit and Faith. Please go to their website to read more about them.

My article below is more of an emotional rendering, rather than a clinical report on the event. I was very moved and I need to write about this gathering from a personal point of view. The wonderful website is

I am using the word "alchemy" (in the title) for a special reason, in as much as this meeting gave me a fresh understanding of what alchemy means. I remember reading about it being used in ancient times, referring to a rather simple metal substance being transformed into gold, or something more precious. That's about all I knew of alchemy, and yet the word always fascinated me.

The definition used in the program was "transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value." Well, let me tell you about the great value of this meeting itself. The basic orientation of the conference was to bring women who think of themselves as having "spiritual perspectives" ( I am one of them, a die hard devotee of this word), together with women of various and diverse faith traditions.

It was an extraordinary melange of women. We came with curiosity and deep respect for the values, voices and beliefs of every woman present. In fact we were (are) all leaders with unique gifts that are urgently needed at this time. We were whole parts and we were The Whole. Both/And. And -- we adapted respectfully, even reverently at times, to the newness of each other. We knew collectively that our unique patterns of knowing are parts of a larger pattern of feminine wisdom and we listened earnestly, respectfully, always realizing we come from a place of deep wisdom within. It was so very feminine. A delight.

I myself loved having the opportunity to step into an inside view of meeting women who are in service to certain faith disciplines that I admire hugely, but don't understand completely. I listened to them a lot. I wanted to bow at everyone's feet in the room, because each one of all of us, are aware of the miracle moment in human history we're living in, and breathing in, together. We are The Ones we've been waiting for.

As I said, please go to their website. Read about the sensitive work these foundational organizing women are doing. The planet is very fortunate to have women coming into leadership these days. We're ready, and we love this work. As Joan of Ark said, "I am not afraid. I was born for this."

Bonnie Kelley
Filmmaker, in partnership with Cheryl Gould
Documentary: The Heart to Lead, Women as Allies for the Greater Good.

Planning and Facilitation of a Circle Gathering
submitted by Ann Smith

First, it is wise to have everyone serving on the planning circle agree to use Circle Principles.

I highly recommend using 'win/win' communications especially when a conflict arises. When someone is upset with one or more circle planning members they need to go directly to those members. They may go to another member for help in collecting their thoughts and practicing 'win/win' communications. Aggressive, passive aggressive and passive behavior destroys healthy communications and group dynamics. These behaviors must be stopped.

It is important to make decisions by consensus when ever possible although there are times when a decision needs to be made before all the planners have a chance to come to consensus. When these quick decisions are unavoidable, the 'point people' for the planners use their best understanding of the shared mission and objectives, holding the highest and best for all in mind. The decision and process are communicated to the whole group, and if they need to be changed this can be done with group consensus.

If people on the planning circle do not follow the agreed upon Circle Principles, in doing so they self-select to be invited to leave the planning circle. This can be a painful experience for all involved, and yet necessary for healthy group dynamics.

Start and end each planning session with 'check-ins' and 'check-outs'. Celebrate the work and all progress. Be generous with praises and acknowledgement. Have fun while planning the event. By staying congruent with Circle Principles the event has the best foundation for success. It becomes a wonderful experience for all involved.

Zero Circle
by Rumi

Be helpless, dumbfounded,
Unable to say yes or no.
Then a stretcher will come from grace
To gather us up.

We are too dull-eyed to see that beauty.
If we say we can, we're lying.
If we say No, we don't see it,
That No will behead us
And shut tight our window onto spirit.

So let us rather not be sure of anything
Beside ourselves, and only that, so
Miraculous beings come running to help.
Crazed, lying in a zero circle, mute,
We shall be saying finally,
With tremendous eloquence, Lead us.
When we have totally surrendered to that beauty,
We shall be a mighty kindness.

Event's Diary
Compiled by Rosjke Hasseldine

August 14 - 19, Whisper with the Whales and Discover Your Deepest Self 
Contadora Island, Panama, US$1,995, double occupancy  

September 24 -10, The Circlework Leadership Training
Ithaca New York with Jalaja Bonheim

If you have an event you would like included in our next newsletter, please email the follow details to Rosjke
1. Date and time
2. Name of event
3. Where the event is
4. Cost
5. Web link and/or details of who to contact
Please send me ONLY the above information in an email. This makes the job so much easier.

Remember, it is far more fun to stop running in circles and become a part of one!
Wishing you powerful connections and joy-full colaborations,
The Co-Creators of Circle Connections

lets connect

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