Circle Connections From: Rhonda Hull
Date: Sunday, September 18, 2011
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Circle Connections September 25, 2011
Circle Connections
September 25, 2011 Volume 1 Issue 7

In This Issue

~ Circle Connections Update
~ Circle Story
~ Circle Tips
~ More on Circles
~ Event's Diary
~ Share this Newsletter

Welcome to Circle Connections Newsletter
Vol 1 Issue 7 ~ edited by Rhonda Hull ~

circle connection update header

Circle Connections Update

Circle Connections is changing, growing and evolving! There's nothing better than connecting in person to experiencing the power of Circle, however more and more find it becoming ecologically and economically challenging. We hope to offer you the next best thing. Coming in October we will be bringing you the intimacy and power of a Circle experience online. Using the latest in Teleconferencing, we will offer a virtual TeleCircles Event, Make a Difference and Thrive.

In order to better serve you and keep you informed about this and other upcoming Circle events and offerings, we are changing our email system. We value your connection with you and don't want you to miss anything, so please take a moment to visit our website at Once on our site, you will find on the right a purple opt-in box. Please in-put you name and email and sign up (again) to become a member.

This small step will keep you in our database AND in appreciation, you will receive a FREE download, "How to Make a Difference and Thrive Using Circles". Thanks, and please do it right now before you forget.

Thanks for remaining a valued member of our Circle Connections Community.

circle in action

by Diane Beal

(We invite you to submit your 300 word circle story for consideration to

The Birth of the Temenos Circle in Georgia
by Diane Beal

Temenos, a Greek word meaning sacred time and place, captures the intention of one of the newest members of the Millionth Circle Initiative and Circle Connections network: self discovery, spiritual evolution, and building authentic community.

Temenos Circle
Group photoTemenos was inspired by Convenor Diane Beal’s response to a call to a larger life…to transform from a human “doing” to a human “being” to be more authentic, more connected and more alive to possibilities.
Diane learned about Circles while participating in Jean Houston’s “Awakening to your Life’s Purpose” online teaching and learning community and initially Diane’s intention was to become a member of an existing in-person Circle. During a Q&A session, Jean referred Diane to her associate, Betty Rothenberger, who encouraged Diane to convene a Circle.

Coached by Betty and Ann Smith, Diane researched Circle resources, formed a team to help organize the Circle, and invited a group of women to an orientation and experience of Circle on May 1, 2011at a branch of the public library. Ten women enthusiastically committed to meet monthly for three months and then evaluate, adjust, and consider opening the Circle to new members. There is a growing list of women who want to be notified when there are openings for new members.

In addition to the monthly Circle meetings, Temenos members are already fulfilling their intention by reaching out to one another for support, sharing teaching and learning resources and reflections via YahooGroups, and participating in members’ birthday and graduation celebrations.

Here are some comments from Circle members:

"It is such a great feeling when you find yourself merging with…. I am speechless but what I am feeling is very LOUD and I embrace it with great JOY. I love it when my whole body smiles and that's what I am feeling right now." NL

"It’s been a while since I’ve had such personal 'me' time." YJ

"I've been craving getting spiritually naked and being comfortable with it." TW

Diane Beal

Starting an Open Circle
submitted by Ann Smith

Open Circle, like a 12 Step AA program, is open to all. At each meeting, Circle Principles are visible and used.

When starting the circle, find two or more women or girls willing to help plan, organize and facilitate the first circle gathering. You can practice Circle Principles and facilitation with each other, building skills and self-confidence.

Find a space that allows for a circle of chairs with a center that will be honored as sacred. This gathering place can be a church, library, community center or home.

Discuss Circle Principles at the first gathering and add others specific to the group if needed, either at the first meeting or along the way. Together decide the frequency of your Open Circle gatherings, the time, place and focus. The focus can change depending on interests of the members.

Sustainability is key. Consider asking for donations, such as $5.00 each meeting.

Using a “talking stick”, talking and listening from the heart and without judgment, sharing the leadership and decisions by consensus will empower each one to contribute to the Open Circle process.

Advertise your Open Circle in the local paper and have flyers in public places so women and girls will know about this wonderful opportunity.

Tell Circle Connections about your Circle so we can help you get out the news.

Contact us at for more information

Jean Shinoda Bolen Quotes

"The fundamentals of spirituality connect us rather than separate us. Women meeting in circles with a spiritual center are in a sacred space, are practicing and developing compassion when they listen, and are deepening themselves. The more circles there are, the easier others can form. At the same time, each circle adds to collective human consciousness. Each one is one more on the way toward the metaphoric millionth circle and the end of patriarchy."

"You have the need and the right to spend part of your life caring for your soul. It is not easy. You have to resist the demands of the work-oriented, often defensive, element in your psyche that measures life only in terms of output -- how much you produce -- not in terms of the quality of your life experiences. To be a soulful person means to go against all the pervasive, prove-yourself values of our culture and instead treasure what is unique and internal and valuable in yourself and your own personal evolution."

Jean Houston Quotes

"What the world so desperately needs at this time is patterns for peaceful, passionately creative and effective societies. And, with it, peaceful, passionately creative, and effective people: in other words, the Possible Human in the Possible Society."

"It would be a good thing to live your life as worthy of this great creating intelligence because that is the path to spiritual evolution and ultimate delight."

Event's Diary
Compiled by Rosjke Hasseldine

Circle Connections is proud to present TeleCircles featuring

Jean Shinoda Bolen on Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Jean Houston on Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Jean Shinoda Bolen
Jean Houston

Bring your questions, concerns, wisdom and willingness to these inaugural ground-breaking virtual Circle conversations featuring two of our most treasured forward thought leaders and Circle advocates, Jean Shinoda Bolen and Jean Houston.

The profound reflections of these two insightful women will offer the diving-in spot that will help us access, ignite and activate the power of our own wisdom and creativity and shape our action steps for the greater good. Explore with them and other passionate women how best to navigate our current transformation into a new way of being with ourselves, one another, our environment and the Universe.

Circle Connections is devoted to fostering conversations, online education and training, connections and collaboration. We are excited to fulfill our dream of make the power of the Circle experience and the potential of collaboration available to as many people as possible.

Women have long known how to spread the word and we believe that our ground-breaking TeleCircle gatherings will be Circle experiences worth sharing. So, please help us spread the word. Join us to honor each other, our purpose and our missions, to activate our collective potential as women.

Don't wait!

To register now, CLICK HERE:

For more information, email us at:


If you have an event you would like included in our next newsletter, please email the follow details to Rosjke
1. Date and time
2. Name of event
3. Where the event is
4. Cost
5. Web link and/or details of who to contact
Please send me ONLY the above information in an email. This makes the job so much easier.

Remember, it is far more fun to stop running in circles and become a part of one!

Wishing you powerful connections and joy-full colaborations,
The Co-Creators of Circle Connections

lets connect

Please share this newsletter with everyone you know who would be interested in learning more about Circles. Visit to sign up for this newsletter.

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