Evolutionary Women From: Judith Watson
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012
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Well, my dear friends,

Our story unfolds. I did indeed lose my job, but not until after the birthday that made Tom eligible for Social Security. Thank you, Lord.

I'm leaving out a great many details, but we moved to Orlando and decided to get married last December. Most of the budget went to flying all our kids in, so it was small and a very happy occasion. The bride wore red!

Then Tom got a call back in April recruiting him to become the new Executive Director of the umbrella organization of the place where he was ordained, a church/seminary/wellness center complex in the foothills of the Ozarks in northeastern Oklahoma, dedicated to the Divine Feminine! See http://www.lightofchristchurch.info/ and http://sanctasophia.org/.

We moved here just in time to attend the Sophia Symposium, and I so wish you could all have been here!

It is a time of major transition for this organization, and I also wish you were here to help define its future. If you have any thoughts, messages, insights or dreams for what might be ours to offer, please let me know. If you want an opportunity to come here to speak, study, teach, or practice, please let me know. If you'd like to visit a tiny spiritual community on a small sacred mountain, please let me know!

Meanwhile, my love to all, and every good wish that you are well, productive, and blossoming, just as we are. I feel such gratitude to you all for the compassion you showered us with when I so needed it!
