Evolutionary Women

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From: Judith Watson
Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 1:54 PM
Subject: ...supporting the growth of Evolutionary Women? YES! I HOPE SO!
Reply to: 269485
ID: 269486

Hmmmmm. The last time I tried to reply, either cyberspace or the Bulletin Board ate what I wrote. Let me try again.

Thank you, Joanna, for what you have written--it is such a good reminder. I am working on a book about educational reform--yes, I remember our task force!--and I would not be at all sorry to have it put me in a position to be eventually philanthropic! Perhaps the Core committee can use the book to promote EW somehow? Let me know if you want to talk about that.

If any of you want to see my first draft (almost there), let me know, or if there's a publisher in your network . . .

Meanwhile, my love to all. Best wishes for a wonderful new year and all kinds of creative ways to support EW's growth and good health, Judith --- On Tue, Dec 29, 2009, in msg269485, Bonnie Kelley wrote ---

Dear Blessed SISTERS!! Please drink in this (below!) heartfelt message from Joanna!!

She is speaking such beautiful truth. THE ARCHETYPAL GODDESS OVERSEER OF EVOLUTIONARY WOMEN is definitely showing up in full expression as she comes up to the end of this year and gathers her feminine resources for 2010. Joanna's re-cognition of Her/OUR Importance in the overall scheme of things is divine timing. I am hopeful some of you out there will dig down into your heart and inquire if there is an amount of money you might add to help us meet Joanna's budget prediction and bring EvWomen, the organization, forward to her next stage of evolution. We have been patiently holding this invitational field in reverence as we attune to the greater Intelligence and see what it is that is wanting to emerge next. The women in Baltimore are especially tapped in and continuously attending to the nuance and the expansion of EvWomen simultaneously. I bow to them in gratitude. Please give this a moment of consideration and see if you are called to contribute to this beautiful vessel Joanna has set before us.

With all my love, Bonnie Kelley

--- On Mon, Dec 28, 2009, in msg269483, Joanna Clark wrote ---

Dear Evolutionary Sisters,

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you’re having a pleasant holiday season. I’m awaiting the arrival of a new granddaughter, who will be our 3rd generation Evolutionary Woman!!!

My husband Ben and I are also doing our end of the year charitable giving. It has become our practice to give to organizations that inspire, nurture and sustain us. Thinking of supporting these efforts is an instant Yes! Evolutionary Women is at the top of my giving list. I hope you will join me in supporting EW with a year end contribution.

I’ve been a part of Evolutionary Women since the first retreat in Maryland in 2006. Now that EW is centered in Baltimore, I am one of the Co- creative Core Group that co-ordinates EW’s activities. 2009 was a year of transition; 2010 looks to be a year of leaps forward. I hope that many of you all over North America will get involved in co-creating with us. In 2010, we will reorganize our website to be more user friendly and allow us to make updates easily and cheaply. We are planning retreats in Santa Barbara and Baltimore. Lucky will be hosting an internet radio show focusing on our role as women in these evolutionary times. We are having a monthly call for all EWs and are planning teleclasses and more…

This is not the traditional fundraising letter. It comes from my heart. It occurs to me that many of you may be making the same charitable decisions as Ben and I and you may want to consider EW.

Being close to the center, I see that with a small budget of $10,000, Evolutionary Women can expand her programs, both in person and virtual, to realize her mission to make visible to each other and to the planet the women who are giving their gifts in the belief and certainty that the presence of the Feminine Principle is crucial to this next step in evolution. If you have any questions, Lucky would be happy to talk with you this week, or any time. Feel free to call her at 443-791-6440. Since our daughter’s due date is this week, I may not be available by phone, but will respond to email as I can. To make a tax-deductible contribution, you can send a check made out to Global Family, with Evolutionary Women in the memo line to Global Family 11689 Lowhills Rd Nevada City, CA 95959 or to use a credit/debit card: Phone: (530)470-9280 Fax: 805-456-0640 or Email: connect@globalfamily.net

Thanks so much for all your support of Evolutionary Women.

I wish you every good thing in the New Year, Joanna

