Circle Connections

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From: Rhonda Hull
Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 2:40 PM
Subject: WOMANfesting Tele-Series Reminder...
ID: 264229

Dear Wonderful Circle Connections Women,

Just a reminder...

“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” – Marianne Williamson

* Are your ready to leave behind the ‘old belief’ that you are ‘not enough’, ‘not worthy’, or ‘not capable’? * Are you willing to embrace prosperity in all aspects of your life and expand happiness? * Are you ready, willing, and committed to join a circle of equally passionate women guided by Circle Principles and applying a powerful WOMANfesting process, for (at least) 6-weeks to share authentically, connect deeply, and create miracles with renewed confidence?

Come and bring your dreams, whether personal or professional. Don't wait! Sign up now for a 6-week WOMANfesting Tele-Training and Circle.

Facilitated by: Rhonda Hull, Ph.D. Two sections/times are available to best fit your availability. September 24th through October 29th (no call October 15th)

For more information and to enroll, visit:

What is WOMANfesting?

WOMANfesting is an allowing process of calling in your dreams in the good company of other women in a circle of collaborative and creative support to shift old limitations and to realize your dreams.

WOMANfesting is similar to what some know as a MasterMind group, but with a definite feminine touch. By allowing rather than forcing, women have been coming together in mutual support to create miracles for centuries. This is the opportunity for many women to remember how and experience the relentless support of other amazing women as you do so.

We need not maneuver the twists and turns of life alone.

The $250 WOMANfesting Circle fee includes:

* 6 weekly 1 1/2 hour calls, recorded to replay at your convenience * downloadable WOMANfesting handouts and Training Manual * the use of LightPages as a social network tool and forum to stay connected * email and group mentor-coaching from Rhonda Hull, Ph.D. * the option of remaining connected in a WOMANfesting Circle after the 6-week series, assuming co-facilitation of the WOAMNfesting Circle

For more information, or to enroll, visit:

Contact Rhonda if you have any questions:

Now is not the time for women to think small, remain alone, or refrain from shining!

Join us to shine, renew hope, let go of limiting beliefs, and build sustainable prosperity and joy.

In Joy, Rhonda

Rhonda Hull, Ph.D.