Water Convergence

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010, 9:29 AM
Subject: Many activities to open your heart to this weekend
ID: 270456

Dear Water Keepers~ before I bid you farewell for this weekend, I want to remind of several events listed on our Calendar and share some additional information from http://www.commonpassion.org/

From one Group: The Conscious Convergence ...a wave of unity... continues with an active invitation for harmony and unity in the Tree of Life. Tomorrow morning-

TIME: 7 AM Pacific (San Francisco, CA), 10 AM Eastern, 2 PM GMT www.timezoneconverter.com DURATION: 120 minutes NUMBER TO CALL: 724-444-7444 CALL ID: 36237 #, then 1# GLOBAL WEB ACCESS and "PAST EPISODES" LINK: Listen and chat from anywhere in the world or LISTEN TO THE RECORDING HERE ANYTIME AFTER THE CALL: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/36237 A 2-hour program starting at 7 am Pacific Time, 2 PM GMT. This program will focus on renewing ourselves in unity, initiating the spontaneous evolution of collective unity consciousness, and activating the Global Tree of Life, with participants covering the four corners of the earth. Ceremonial activities will include the joining with the elements, the four directions, a global meditation, and powerful intention-setting processes. - Introduction, intention, invocation by host, Joseph R Giove - Activation/recreation of the Global Tree of Life: Dr Carl Calleman - Spontaneous evolution of unity consciousness: Steve Bhaerman (Swami Beyondananda - Global unity meditation: Joseph R Giove - Ceremony close and future activation: Joseph R Giove Please note: The time for both programs, as well as the phone and web access is the same for both days. Also, the Tele-Webcast is free but long distance charges may apply. However, at no charge you may access the program via the internet at web link below, either live or after the call. The Conscious Convergence mission is to bring people together with the shared intention of cultivating a critical mass of harmonious energy that supports inner and outer reconciliation. We come together in the spirit of unity to heal wounds that separate us, to reconcile conflicts that divide us, to inspire ideas and actions that express our oneness, and to join together in heart and mind to welcome the birth of our new world.

Please visit The Conscious Convergence Group page to view the many unique events that are being organized around the world for this program. Once you have joined the group, you can create a sub-group to list your own events, which will post in the main group page as well as on the Common Passion events page. Further details for The Conscious Convergence program are provided to members on our free Announcement List

The Conscious Convergence is a global collaborative of individuals and organizations whose purpose is to set the intention for, and to demonstrate the fulfillment of, unity consciousness, both individually and within communities around the world. All wisdom and faith traditions are invited to join and help express how we, as an evolving species, can transcend age-old boundaries and ideologies to fulfill a greater destiny than our history may imply.

SHARED INTENTION AGREEMENT: I, as a sovereign being, join together with All That Is to call forth the presence of balance and unity within me and in our world. I am the conscious presence of harmony and reconciliation and I am grateful for the wholeness I bring forth in this and every moment. And so it is. This global collaborative prepares us for the Ninth Wave of evolution of consciousness as indicated by the Mayan Calendar, a system developed by a respected, ancient civilization. Mayan elders invite us to align with the divine plan for humanity’s greater fulfillment, to recognize that “we are one like the fingers of one hand.” -- Grand Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, "Wandering Wolf” . Local and global intention-setting activities, meditations and prayers will be synchronized throughout the months leading up to and following the main program on July 17th and 18th, 2010. A lively discussion on The Conscious Convergence is happening in the Forum. To view how 2010 Astrology aligns with Dr. Carl Johan Calleman's studies of the Mayan Calendar go here.