Water Convergence

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 2:59 PM
Subject: Message fro Grandmothers Speak ~ We are Calling You to Power
ID: 270704

I will standing together in circle. Namaste' LaVonne

We are Calling You to Power "We, the Great Council of the Grandmothers, have something to say. "Much is in flux now. Much on earth is radically changing and these changes are uncomfortable for all the kingdoms of life. Animals, plants, and human beings are suffering. The elements are suffering. And because of the times you are living in, much is expected of you. "Should you at this time choose to remain 'asleep at the switch,' you will lose the opportunity you were born for. Those who receive our messages, receive them because they have the capacity to hear what we have come to say. Our 'work' is not for everyone. Only certain ones will respond to our call. And if you are reading this now, it is because we are calling you. "We encourage you to take a step into power. The pace of change is speeding up. If you wish to do more than live like a spectator as these planetary adjustments accelerate, re-forming your world, you can. Call on us or on any form of the Divine you love and ask to be of service to your beloved earth. Ask to be shown how to love more and serve more. This simple request will bring you unimagined joy. "On September 11 and 12, power will surge into the great Net of Light cradling your planet. The Net of Light is here to support the earth during the times that are upon you. We have called a gathering in Ireland, planned it for this exact time, in order to fill the Net of Light with more and more power. Our Call to Power in Cork, Ireland will infuse light into the Net. "We invite you to take part in this event on September 11 and 12. Certain ones will, by their presence, anchor the task being done in Cork. They will provide the 'outlets,' so to speak, so that power can move through them into the Net of Light. Only human beings can perform the 'work' we are bringing to earth. We provide the energy current, but individual people must provide the outlets for us to plug into. The current (the Divine) brings energy and the outlet (the person) anchors it. "The Net of Light is here to hold your planet steady while life on earth goes through the changes it must go through. We have come to help you through this transition, and we encourage you to join with us in working with the Net of Light. "We are grateful to those who have answered our call. The Call to Power in Cork, Ireland is open to all who resonate to this message. And whether you decide to come to the city of Cork to be part of the anchoring or whether you choose to work with the Net of Light from afar, we welcome your help "We are the Great Council of the Grandmothers and we have come at this time to save and protect the earth. We ask you to join with us." Grandmothers Speak For information on working with the Net of Light and/or attending the Sept. 11 and 12 Call to Power in Cork, Ireland, go to grandmothersspeak.com image, 'Mother of the World', artist, Nicholas Roerich

Sharon McErlane Grandmothers Speak