Water Convergence

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 8:29 PM
Subject: Happy world Water Day ~ Honor our Waters Today
Reply to: 271737
ID: 271742

Hello there Dear Sisters, I did have a small ceremony blessing our Waters today can't forget what nourishes the soul, the body and the Great Mother no matter what is going on in life.

I mentioned that it was World Water Day at the Grandmothers Gathering this weekend and asked everyone one there to remember to send love to our Waters today. It was a great weekend although I came down with a bug. I have been pushing it a bit to hard.

This morning I Thanked the Bug for reminding me to slow down and the asked in gratitude if it would move on so I could be of service to myself, my family and my communities.

I love you all.

I will be in touch soon and bring you up to speed on everything that has taken place.

I have felt you all walking with me along this journey, Thank you Thank you Thank you from the bottom f my heart!

LaVonne --- On Tue, Mar 22, 2011, in msg271737, Shalahnia K wrote ---

Dear Water Keepers,

Many Blessings on this Day dedicated to our sacred waters. I that you are able to connect with water in some special way to day! I am heading for the river, we are about an inch away from flooding in some areas. I pray for balance and safety of those living where the waters may be moving.

Perhaps you can take the small action today of signing a petition

Stop the Privatization of the World's Water!

Bolivian President Evo Morales is leading the charge for a United Nations resolution to block the sale of public water service to private companies. We will be delivering the petition in support of this resolution to U.S. representatives to the United Nations.

All across the world, from Cochabamba, Bolivia to Marseille, France, private water companies have deprived people of their human right to water in the name of profit.

Sign the petition below to stop water privatization around the world.


I received this article this morning Water for a brighter future.


In Cascading Love,

