Water Convergence

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 8:36 PM
Subject: The times of change are upon us
ID: 271781

Dear Waterkeepers~ Although the video clip is not specific to Water it does honor the connection of the Divine Feminine to Mother Earth. I have been battling an Ear infection since the Grandmothers Gathering however yesterday I declared I surrender and am allowing. Please enjoy the change that is upon us.


I want to share a small story about the Gathering and healing of our Ancestors. We accepted our Grandmothers empowerment for ourselves and our Ancestors 5 of us lead large groups and called in the Grandmothers to choose the right words for our empowerment. Although I was sick I still embraced the challenge. So glad I did. When it was my turn I said the words that came through me I could not tell you what they were as they were not mine. During the process of giving individual empowerments for 96 people and all their ancestors known and unknown in this universe the energy was so intense yet loving and beautiful. Some saw many eras of soldiers walking forward by the thousands to be healed, some felt their own lineage healed it was an amazing aspect to the empowerment.

I have seen the connection between healing our ancestors and healing our the yang energy. This clip was shared from a friend and a small portion shows all soldiers lying down their weapons. I felt the connection to the work we had done.


Thank you for all the generous work each and everyone of you do in balancing the Yin and calling forth the Balance of the Divine Feminine.

May all the beings in all the worlds be happy.

