Water Convergence

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Friday, April 22, 2011, 6:04 AM
Subject: Happy Mother Earth Day Everyone!
ID: 271859

Good Morning Beloved Waterkeepers, I hope we all find a way to Celebrate the Great Mother today and everyday. Be it in silence, chanting, drumming, being in Nature or doing you favorite Water Blessing. Just making the conscious choice to connect your heart with hers can and will make a difference.

Some very good friends of mine are participating in a wonderful event at the four corners today, may we all connect with them in Spirit : Earth Day Blessing 4 Corners | Sacred Blessing For The Earth and Her Children www.earthday4corners.com

I will be headed down to the beach to do a Water Blessing and connect my heart with each of yours and together we connect with Mother Earth after work today for anyone who wants to join me.

Here's a little clip I hope you will all enjoy: http://youtu.be/FEmWlxMfCp0

Have a very Blessed day!
