Water Convergence

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Friday, February 24, 2012, 10:32 AM
Subject: What Earth Day meant for me
ID: 272746

Hello there my beloved community. I wanted to share how I honored Mother Earth this Earth day and what that meant to me.

I honored our beautiful Mother Earth in Washington D.C this year. I took an hour to hold the earth in love. I delivered Sacred Waters, I walked the Tidal Basin and awed at the first sprouts of spring on the Cherry Trees. I held Mother in sweet tender affection and gratitude. Sending her light, breathing in calm and peace as I honored her beauty and magnificence.

I Thanked her for all she does, I sang sweet songs and walked softly in nature as I connected with her in my heart.

It meant so much to me that I was able to do this and as I walked I and thought about a women who I had meant on the plane trip there. She was sitting at the gate in a wheel chair waiting to board when I reached out and struck up a conversation. Of where her travels were taking her that day. Some how in the conversation she mentioned how small things that people do for her make a huge difference in her life and how most don't even know how helpful that small thing is. So as I walked I thought of her and her friend who was brought to the gate in a wheel chair to. They were traveling together. I walked for them, I felt the sun shine for them, I felt the air kiss my face for them. I was in such a deep state of love that I knew I was doing this one act for all on Mother Earth as we are one.

I would love to know if you had anything special you did to Celebrate Earth Day.

Much love,
