Water Convergence

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 6:40 PM
Subject: So much Beauty in the world
ID: 273219

Hello there Dear Waterkeepers~ It all started at the Venus Transit in June when I conducted ceremony as part of http://watersongline.com. We continue to support their effort in Blessinsg and Praying for our Waters.

It was a busy summer of blessing the waters, enjoining sacred waters and traveling around to share time and space with Grandmothers groups.

I recently returned from the Sedona area where we had a wonderful Ceremony where the Grandmothers/the Pipe and the Water were alive and present. I look forward to what is emerging.

I have recently come into contact with the WaterWheel Ceremony www.waterwheelceremony.com and can't wait to put one on my land. I have been seeing what I thought was a medicine wheel and now I understand it is a water wheel. I have even been singing the same songs.

All the syncronicities are unfolding and weaving this beautiful crystaline net of life. I am so Blessed and Gratefule and would love to hear what you all are up to.

Much Love and Big Hugs,
